Monkersolver to PIOSolver Automation

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Monkersolver to PIOSolver Automation

Hey guys - over the last 6 months or so I've been doing a lot of work with Monkersolver - pretty much flat out building NL cash and MTT preflop solutions for myself and others. More recently I've been looking into ways of getting the most out of the solves. While the solver interface is great once you get used to it, Monkerviewer just isn't really sufficient and most users are already very familiar with PIO, so I've developed an automated tool to extract the gametree out of a Monker solution and convert it into PIOSolver Ranges ( and PIOSolver Strategies (

I'm interested in exploring other ways to use more of the data. I've just finished an extractor from Monker to pull the hands and their EVs into spreadsheets and compare different spots, for example merging of preflop spots to compare EVs. Though I'm a software developer not an Excel expert, a cool use I've seen is PLOBeast by TCfromUB, it's a good example of people thinking about alternate ways of using the data, and I think any ideas like these can only be a positive for the community. Beyond PIOSolver and Excel I'm interested in hearing some things you guys think are missing for getting more out of the results. Some of these sims, especially 8max take over a month to run, and I feel like we could be more efficiently using the results.

On a related note i'm an admin of the Skype group for MonkerSolver Study - if anyone would like an invite feel free to let me know.

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