Merit Poker Blacklist Actions
Posted by MerArk
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Merit Poker Blacklist Actions
Merit casinos being strongest and maybe only institutional company in North Cyprus having also one of the biggest poker room that many poker players been playing since years.
Last month a group of poker players took a message from their management which says they would be blacklisted from their poker room if they go and play in a poker room just opened in North Cyprus , right after they anonunced same threat for another poker event.
Basicly they thought they can settle their business relationships upon their Regular customers by telling them where they can go and cant. This started with Turkish regulars, some russian regulars, Lebanese players and so on. People who refuse to be part of this unprofessionaland rude action are indeed blacklisted from Merit Casinos now.
As they wanted to take this action in politics of fear silently, We are trying to let almost all poker communities know what is really goin on
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