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There was once a topic in finnish poker forum about what drugs people use or what are generally good for poker. So I don't mean any illegal synthetic stuff even some of those might really help in short term but i believe downsides are so huge that it's not wise to use any of those, obv.

Personally poker has messed my sleeping patterns very deeply for years now and i would be happy if i find some natural stuff to kinda relax. For example I remember somebody had positive experience from 5-htp which is kinda natural anti-depresant.

There must be some meds out there that helps grinders which have positive effects also in long run...


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liGreenil 12 years ago
I don't know about any medications or drugs. But there's this one herbal tea shop in my town. It offers a variety of different tea's using real dried flowers as those "medicated" benefits. The one I used was suppose to help me relax and sometimes made me a little on the sleepy side. Maybe that's something to look at? I know its not medication or drugs, but it has worked for me.
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years ago
UMM...what works for me when i go in cant sleep and havent slept 2 days is..sit play some game that bores me, like stud ( that 1 im insta asleep) or 5 card draw or whatever doesnt go well with you~ 15 minutes of something like that and you sleep like baby :-)
ZenFish 12 years ago
You could try melatonin for improved sleep. The body produces it already, and I'm not aware of any side effects, but do your research.
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years ago
To add, i dont know why you care at all, i have messed sleep pattern since i was 14, didnt bother me at all, till after age 30 everyone was asking if i were ever gonna be normal and it started bother me a lil as well, so i gave it a very unsucessful try multiple times
I never worked from 9 to 5 so i couldnt control myself that way, and as all ppl i loved night life, so....blah, i tried and tried, nothing worked
I had things to do at job, but i managed to schedule for everything 3 PM plus, and if i had things that work only in mornings, like bank meetings or something such, i would just go out, come back home 5-6 am or simple if i was home dont go to sleep, drink my coffee have breakfast and do meetings without sleep :S
At one point I was annoyed because even if i wanted to sleep and have normal week, i didnt manage and was as anxious as you are over it
What worked is actually facing the fact i prefer night , even if i dont go out i like to be awake when everything is quiet and peaceful, so i can focus concentrate or watch movies , read, see friends, go out...whatever I like to do, and that i shouldnt care at all what is normal or not, i sleep now when im sleepy and dont care is it 5 am 8 pm or noon, your body will get fatigue and sleep when its tired enough, and you just dont force it to anything
Im not saying you should prefer night as I do, but i think you shouldnt care about exact schedule, there isnt some rule about it, only most ppl obbey it because they gotta go to work or have kids that gotta go to kindergarten school etc
Solution - very simple~ just dont sleep till you are tired and really sleepy, and since you are human, that will happen for sure at least after 2 nites no sleep and dont turn on clock alarms etc
If you are poker player im sure schedule is flexible
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years ago
O and i forgot to write why i wrote this, i wrote it becaus I believe body has perfect balance and responces and doesnt need external help unless you are really sick
Natural substances, though natural contain substances that will make your body lazy to produce substances that is suppose to, because you are artifficially suplemmenting, which will lead you to additional and bigger problems then ones you have now
TheRaulrus 11 years, 11 months ago
There might be particular medications out there that work, but to be honest, I'm not sure of any. My best piece of advice for you if suffer from sleeping problems would be to get at least a half hour to a full hour of solid exercise per day. That's the most natural thing you could do really. It does help out, and it balances out your system. Eating the right types of healthy foods helps out too, along with exercise. You can even try meditation sessions for short periods of time as well. That really clears your head and relieves a ton of stress.

I have nothing against medications because I believe some work, but there's nothing wrong with starting out with all-natural approaches first. You really can't go wrong with eating healthy and daily exercise. Definitely pays off in the long-run.
Simon Ash 11 years, 11 months ago
I would agree with this someone who used to work nights and is married to a doctor (although her hours are pretty sane now) I would shy away from using much in the way of artificial remedies. In the UK you can get stuff like Nytol which uses melatonin, which is naturally produced, however my personal view is not to...

btw - Stud is probably NOT the game to play when tired and unable to remember things Alex!!

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