Math - Key Concept or Overinflated Reliance...
Posted by Harv3yJnr
Posted by Harv3yJnr posted in Gen. Poker
Math - Key Concept or Overinflated Reliance...
As this and my previous posts narrate, I am pretty new to the game/world of poker. I just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on the mathemtics behind poker...
How important is it? How much does it influence your decision (I appreciate this is situation dependant)? Due to its ability to improve player's poker ability, where can you learn the maths? Are there specific books? Is there software out there to teach? Is there an inet site to aid...
I can envisage the world gasping at the line "Math - Ket Concept or Overinflated Reliance"...But please give me your thoughts and answers, as I want to install as much information as neceassary on ym on-board computer to help me beat the games out there...
Thank you for your help/contribution/advice a ALWAYS! Real good of anyone to take the time to help a fellow player.
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