Lost 5 stacks to a mega fish and then this happened
Posted by m3taphysics
Posted by m3taphysics posted in Beats & Brags
Lost 5 stacks to a mega fish and then this happened
Fyi, Probably didn't play these hands too well. I was fairly tilted after the first few losses.
He overbet every board and bet every street. Not a great hand to play against but getting good odds pre, OTT I was not planning on folding.
Early in the match...horrible spot, I dont beat much but he was crazy. 52/40 with a 78% agg. Flop cb and turn Cb of 94% over 220 hands.
This was close but man... he had a 23% 3b pf. I had seen him get it in with K9o!
Fish was in the hand here but I cant fold the second nuts right?
Directly after the hand above this happened:
Then I got halfway through watching rounders and SUCCESS!
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