Looking for Zoom Guys

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Looking for Zoom Guys

Hi there,

inspired by the last video of Brad Wilson I am looking to surround me with guys who are playing in the same playerpool.

A few words about me, I startet playing poker on and off for many years now. Since last year I am back on the grind and played a lot. First MTTs then after a brutal downswing I switched to Zoom. Did good at NL25 and moved up to NL50 very quick.

And here I am, batteling some mental game issues and stuck here for about 150k hands breakeven. I think I may have a fair bit of a fancy study syndrom. As well as some bad habits with my mentalgame.

I would love to find some guys who play regulary in the zoom-games NL25-NL50 to maybe review our games and change ideas how this beautiful game works.

At the moment I am rethinking my study and playingroutine and it would be great to find some guys who like to improver their game as well.

If you are interested you can send my your skypename. I will add you and we can see if its a good fit to go on and study the game together.


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