Longest you have gone without checking your results?
Posted by Mushmellow
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Gen. Poker
Longest you have gone without checking your results?
Mushmellow: 2 days~
You: ??
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I can't even beat 2 days...
Maybe... 30 minutes... maybe... I'm very, VERY bad at not pulling up the cashier/PT to see how I'm going.
I've been checking my results at the end of every day.
Managed to not look for 4 days or so once.
Checking after every session is definitely a mistake. You try to get your money back in the next one, and make bad decisions because of it.
That's a big leak imo.
session or day if I'm too tired in end and forget to click check after last 1
I always check at the end of the session. Trying to focus solely on playing the hands / hours I have targeted while ignoring the short term money results
Several months. No kidding. I just don't care anymore.
I do have an idea of how much I'm winning or losing in a session, or in a month, but I don't have the need anymore to know precisely.
Sometimes I have to put all my results in Excel because fiscal administration asks for them, and that actually feels good to realize: 'wow I made this much'. But that's the only time I 'need' to know my results, so it happened to me this year for instance not to check my results for at least 3 months. I just knew I had made between X and Y, with a rather wide margin between the two.
But overall I just don't care about money (in life I mean), and I feel way happier not being attached to my poker results, because they fluctuate way too much and mean nothing at all in the end.
Must be nice.
Same goes with the urge to 'know the results', one can learn to resist it. I was definitely checking a lot before, but slowly I forced myself to give it up, starting with checking when in session (made the deliberate effort of only playing / focusing, and not doing anything else) ; then I forced myself to quickly close my poker clients right after the end of the session. Do it a few times and then you're used to it.
Our mind can be very rigid sometimes, and it feels as if we 'are' something, an identity, or a trait of character, or a tendency, but in the end we can work on everything, and the flexibility of our body/mind is massive. Just need to accept that we're NOT the impulse, it's just something expressing itself through our living cells :p.
Will try it for a few days, see how it goes.
Prime advice, Sneeze! You are my role model, for this new journey of mine~
I dont know how anybody could shut down without checking their balance
Probably a mental leak but for play PLO, I used to check every 5 minutes. I now check at the end of a session or when I'm taking a break.
Oops just checked by accident when I logged into my accounts, and I thought one of my deposits got recalled but turns out I just won a lot. Fail~
4 days.
Thinly disguised brag....right on
Not brag, in before reg fish busto, PTR me on Merge~
I managed to go a week once! But I was a wreck lol - I find I don't care about the monetary part of my results (too much) but I do follow a very strict BRM so I need to know about how many buy ins I have before playing. Once I get a bigger roll and am playing stakes I would like to play, then I think I could be like Sneeze and wait a month or more. (Maybe I am delusional).
When I played MTT's for a 'living' I checked about once a month or so, basically because I was aware that the variance in those games is just so ridiculous and I expect to lose consistently until I bink something nice, then I didn't really need to look, because I knew I just won a lot of money.
The problem is, now that I am playing 6max cash, everytime I open a new table I see my account balance when it asks me to buy in. + I am on Ipoker now and the balance is shown in the lobby, which really sucks. I find it very difficult to get around this, unless I attempt to close one eye or squint when I buy in to a table so that I cant see my balance. Or put a posted note over where my lobby pops up and displays the balance (but it just tilts me looking at a bloody yellow thing on my screen).
The next problem is that I am consistetly tryign to go through my game and improve, and I cant do this without going through my holdem manager, which obviously shows me my results.
It sucks because I was so so tiltless during my MTT days that I was like some sort of zen robot, sadly It just isn't the same anymore since I am forced to see my resutls on a daily basis, I can feel it affect my game quite dramatically at times, and ruin my mood off the tables some days.
and improve, and I cant do this without going through my holdem manager,
which obviously shows me my results."
Why not adjust the reports (you need) so they don´t show the results?
That is a good point, no idea how I never thought of that. :)
Any ideas on the problems involved in lobby balance display or when I am buying into a table??
Hats off to MrSneeze!
About every 6 hands.
'The problem is, now that I am playing 6max cash, everytime I open a new table I see my account balance when it asks me to buy in'
I need to give some precisions here. Situation is the same for me. When I log in on som websites (Party and Ipoker networks), I do see how much there is on the site. I also see it everytime I sit a table. But while I'm seeing it, I also don't see it. Obviousy if monday I have 12K on a site and friday I have 9K, I'll see that I've been losing (usually no need to see it, you know when you've been losing 10+ BI in a short time or whatever).
The thing for me is not about seeing the fluctuations, or the amount of my roll, because that is very hard to avoid (I can't hide it when starting the poker client). What can be changed is the attitude. When I start a session, my roll is X. I'm not affected if my roll is smaller than yesterday or a week ago. It's just a constraint, and I have to do the best decisions with it. Just like being careful with food management when hiking/camping. It's a constraint, but no need to be upset at times where you need to eat a bit less in order to keep some for tomorrow ; it's part of the journey. Same goes with poker ; it's a journey, and a true adventure surely can't go well all the time, it needs the bad times as well, otherwise how could we learn?
The key is simply not to take the fluctuations personnally. The fact that you're down this month doesn't mean you're a failure, that you suck at poker. For instance I'm having probably my worst losing month right now, and still I'm 95% sure of improving very fast right now. Because I'm improving and learning so much, many areas of my game are destroyed and reshaped, so I'm making tons of mistakes that cost me money ; yet, all of that is part of the improvement, when you implement change, especially deep change, you'll make mistakes. The inevitability of life XD!
So if I start taking my results personnaly, then I prevent myself from implementing those deep changes that I'm trying to implement.
Basically what I want to say is that : I do see my results, I kinda know where I'm at (and obviously I still prefer winning to losing) but I'm not checking them. And obviously I'm human just like you guys, so some days are tougher than others ; I also get frustrated when things go bad, and I want to go back to winning, etc. I feel those emotions, but I try not to feed them ; this way, they arise and fall down as they're supposed to, and don't affect my life more than they should.
I'm sold on the benefits of not checking my balance! Sadly, I'm a bit like Arizona in that I've not got so big a bankroll that I can afford not to check, because if I were to lose track and lose more than I realised it could have bad consequences. At least by checking I can move down if needed.
That said, I check multiple times in session which is very -EV!
Pretty much every time i play a pot bigger than 20bbs :D
"Ahhh that was a big one... hope i'm still up... phew $3 profit!"
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