Just Joined - Essential Plan
Posted by Wodgy
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Gen. Poker
Just Joined - Essential Plan
Where to start? :)
Micros player at the moment playing 2nl, 5nl. Very good at math, decent at analytic s.
A brief introduction I know lol.
I'll add that its nlhe and plo that im interested in.
I would say im a winning player. Although at the moment I have no software to confirm this as I just use Jivaro.
I have a huge interest in learning the game as much as possible.
I have a decent amount of knowledge e.g positional awareness, mathematics, ranges etc etc.
I just love the game and really want to advance.
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It's hard to go wrong and I'm sure you'll get some good answers from people that have differing recommendations. One suggestion I have is to give as many coaches a shot as possible. With so many different playing and coaching styles represented on the roster, I think you'll find a few that resonate with you more than the others. You probably can't go wrong starting with Phil's essential videos as well.
Ah right cheers man. Ye I started watching some Cameron Couch micro zoom videos. Pretty good start. I'll check them out.
Yeah there are some really talented players on here. Any chance of implementing another page that lists all the coaches and their hourly rate? Hopefully some of the coaches will offer group sessions :D.
If you want to play exploitatively at the micros then Cameron Couch and Djunkell's are a pretty good start.
Cheers guys, I also checked a few youtube vids previously of Galvin Bay (midstakes player with one of the highest winrates playing the micros).
I normally play a very value heavy ABC game as expected. Like 13/11 9 FR, 22/18 6 Max.
Tried a more "looser" approach to exploit some typical players there and went on a 7 buyin loss streak over 2-3 days. Although I don't really care as I think I made the correct decisions and definately had alot of bad beats. I think I typically prefer to play a more solid TAG/NIT game there instead.
When my postflop game improves maybe i'll adapt again if im not already at higher limits.
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