Just bought a new chair!

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Just bought a new chair!

I don't know about you guys but I grew up in front of a PC and at only 28 years old I have a slew of lower back problems (despite doing lots of sports regularly).

I've been through many of the high end chairs over the years, including the Herman Miller Aeron and currently Haworth Zody.

My current situation involves me sitting in front of a PC at work for 8 hours a day, only to come home and have to spend even more time in front of a PC grinding poker. This really isn't working out for me so I wanted to try something completely different.

I recently tried a new chair called the Salli Saddle at my chiropractor's office. It's totally different from a normal chair as you can see. It has no seat back, and your legs fall off the side of the chair at a 135 degree angle (rather than 90 degrees). This simple change forces your lower back to push forward and the entire upper body is supported by the spine through the legs.

Anyway, I placed an order for the chair today and it's supposed to arrive next week. Really excited to give it a shot and like my Ergonomic Eyewear thread I'll be sure to give it a review.

I may also build a standing work station for my laptop. But I'm also flat footed and not a fan of standing for long periods of time either :P I guess the key will still be to take frequent breaks and to mix it up...

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