Just an idea for great discussion.
Posted by flomaster65
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Run It Once Training
Just an idea for great discussion.
I thought it would be a nice idea to make some video's with multiple pro's.
When looking at leforts video's and lets say Lucas Greenwood video's. There are def. some differences in style.
I really liked the lefort serie. And like Lucas his vids. But curious about a discussion between players about topics like preflop flatting/3betting ranges etc etc.
I remember vids on Bluefire with Niman kenkre and dr giggy, where they had some discussions.
So meaby some debate video's about certain topics where opinions are different. I think when you have 2 great players who both do something different, a discussion would be really nice.
Just a thought,
Keep up the good work!
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i would love to hear ben and phil finish their debate on multiple bet sizes
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