Journal of an MTT player
Posted by MTTDonk
Posted by MTTDonk posted in Poker Journals
Journal of an MTT player
Morning RIO!
Enjoy reading the blogs here, time to start my own. I am going to be playing full time for the next year or two and I would like to keep a journal of this period. I have never kept a journal before, but I definitely think it's going to be of benefit to my mental game and even if it isn't I am sure my writing will get some much-needed improvement.
I will be playing with a Starting Bankroll: 2,000 and will Withdraw: 1,000 Monthly. I will mostly be focused on playing MTTs to start with I will play between 1-22 tournaments and 11-22 STTs I will start the rest of this year playing the off-peak timezone to keep variance nice and low with a view to moving to peak hours in 2021.
I am going to set a few simple rules which if followed consistently will lead to good results. 1/. Review one full tournament pre-session sometimes this will be an MTT and sometimes this will be an STT sometimes it will just be marked hands. 2/. No distractions during study or sessions It's hard to claim your a professional if you have a podcast on in the background..... 3/. Exercise Daily hard to perform at your best if you're sitting down most of the day and never exercising. 4/. Volume, Volume, Volume: 600 games a month at minimum Variance is sick and the best way to combat this is increasing winrate and volume. 5/. Journal I will be keeping this thread up to date after every working day with graphs, thoughts and probably rants.
I hope people find this journey interesting and if anyone has any constructive criticism, or outright trolling; it is all welcome!
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