Joined RIO + Heater (brag)

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Joined RIO + Heater (brag)

I had a break from poker most of the winter due to studies. My game was a bit off, broke even for a couple of thousand hands. Most likely due to playing like all the play-masters and a few tables too much. I've limited my self to 6-tables of 6-max which seems to be fine for me, also tried to avoid reg-tables at NL100.

I figured why not join RIO. I haven't watched many video's, but I have seen a few from IRunLucky. At first I thought he was a bloody-nit, but he insn't. He is smart. I have tightened up my stack-off range's in most spots and it seem's to be key. In the sample below my AVG AI EQ= 59%. That can't be too bad, I think I was in the low fifty's before I just deleted my DB on my laptop.

One of the things that I have learned is to pot-controll, small-ball it, and trap people who just take stabs a lot with air. Also having a check-call range OOP and stuff like that. 

Before I just cbet my whole range and closed my eyes. However pot's like the medium sized 10-20bbs are very important to your win-rate I believe. Also letting people make mistakes versus you, especially post-flop.

I'm inspired by IRunlucky + Applications of NLHE book. These two has taken my game to a whole different level. 

After I joined RIO.

My question is: Do anyone have good poker-study techniques? 

I feel that I do learn from watching the material at RIO. Maybe it would be nice with a video or two off the felt with some tips on how to succeed / steps to think during a hand / more so life & poker advice, note-taking all these kind of stuff that aren't involved in playing, but can make you improve your game?

Furthermore I look so much forward to this summer. I'm going to US for three-weeks, zero poker. Going to watch RIO, take notes. After that I will be grinding from 1st July - 25th of Sept. (Maybe play Estrellas Main-Event in Barcelona in August if I get to sell 50% of action or if the heater continues). 

I'm going to live at home for the summer and I just told my parent's that I'm not going to apply for a summer intership (I did apply for two, but it's hard these days in the business area I am in). Hopefully I could even get a shot at NL200, even though I have heard it is pretty tough.

Martin - I have same avatar on Stars, maybe some of you guys recognised me. If so send me a P.M and we can talk on Skype.

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