Indian Casino 2-5NL Cash Game with "Button Straddle Refund"

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Indian Casino 2-5NL Cash Game with "Button Straddle Refund"

Hello RIO,

Im back on the grind, playing live at a well established indian casino playing 2-5 cash cap buy in $500.

I sat down at table with max buy $500, and when i sat down a reg invited us to all play a "button straddle" game which included a refund to the button depending on how big the pot was at the end of the hand. The game included last action pre flop to the straddle no matter what.

Blinds are posted.
Button straddles for 15$ (amount of straddle depends on player, i saw 10$ up to 65$)
button straddle get last action no matter what pre-flop ( i believe its different than a Mississippi straddle)
all action presumes normally.
the pot now must reach 150$ for the straddle to get his refund back ( if the straddle was 40$ pot needs to be 400$, basically he gets 10% for refund so on and so forth)
if the straddle wins- no refund obviously

The game was friendly and players were poor to ok in skill. We started the game so no one was more than 500$ deep.
What are your thoughts on this game? How does it play? Strats or ideas?

I played for 10 hours and I made 145$ very quiet night for me but i was very comfortable in the game.

Thanks for your time

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