Improving my skills
Posted by specialmarco
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Improving my skills
Hy everyone,
i'm Marco and i'm trying to survive at nl50z on pokerstars :)
I think one of the best way to improve on poker is discuss with other player and share your thoughts about hands, range, etc.
On this thread i would like to share with you my adventures at nl50z and discuss about some hands.
Gl at the tables guys!
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3bet pot btn vs co
how would you plan this hand?
which river would you bet?
what about the sizes?
Interesting to see villain folding this turn, since his flop floating range will be a lot of pocket pairs, diamonds and spades BDFD. Perhaps he folds his offsuit A highs on the turn, although most of the A highs have showdown value vs your betting range + 2 overs. River will be an interesting decision on non diamonds, because 87dd doesn't block too much of his folding range, since he shoudlnt have many 7x and 8x flushdraws. On a blank (like a low heart) you probably bet TT+ for value and your most natural bluffs will be some suited Diamond and Spade connectors, both seem fine candidates to me. You have to be careful with high cards, like a K for example, because on such river card your value range becomes narrower (since you probably check back most AK on the turn) and its easy to end up overbluffing.
why did you bet so small on that flop?
Your hand is private
not anymore :D
I have nothing to add to this hand, pretty standard. You may consider calling it preflop, but 3Bet is also fine. Sizing is OK, you are pretty polarized, so betting big is the decision. And you have nice stack set up for river shove, though I would almost never bluff this hand OTR.
good bluffcatcher?
I think this hand is pretty intresting
I decided to call down because i block set of 9 and i don't block any of his fd.
In addiction i think he dosn't have AK many time and i assume that he wouldn't bet KQ or KJ for 3streets.
I also don't understand after betting 4.50 pre flop, why you bet so small post flop?
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