I just can't win on ante table,how do you deal with swings?

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I just can't win on ante table,how do you deal with swings?

Hi,everyone,the ev result on ante table is good,but I just can't win,I usually play 4tables at most,so I can't play lot hands like other multi table players,the swing really make me feel bad.

Is this swing is normal?How do you guys deal with such swings?

Should I try to play more tables?I can play  6tables at most,but I know I would make more mistakes than 4tables.

Btw,I use tiltbreaker setting 160bb to stoploss every single table,what do you think about that?

Any advice,any strategy is welcome :)

Good luck!


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deadgambino 10 years, 5 months ago

I think you should really move down in stakes and then move your way up when your ROI starts recovering and you are more comfortable with the swings of PLO and multitabling as it seems like you've been hip hoppin and bee boppin all over the place. My best guess is that you lost at .50/1.00 and then started chasing your losses hard.. Super bad idea. Try to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. That being said, I think its crucial that you read (or listen to the audiobook) "The Mental Game of Poker pt.1 & 2" by Jared Tendler; he'll give you a new perspective on being persistant and balanced. I'd also suggest that you devour all of Phil's PLO videos. If those suggestions still don't help and you're still finding that theres too many swings then I'd suggest playing hold'em to cope with the variance.

Good skill (:

qualle7 10 years, 5 months ago

Sorry to mention this, but 10 buyins under or above EV is a joke especially for PLO. As a PLO player 100 BI swings are pretty common, doesn't matter if it's above or under EV.

The only thing you can do about it is beeing a huge winner in your game and play a lot of hands. That's a way you can reduce your variance. So I am not sure playing more tables would help you reducing the variance, only if you can maintain your winrate.

Oh and don't forget ante games add even more variance :)

nofox 10 years, 5 months ago

Hi deadgambino and qualle7,sorry to reply late,went for a trip with family.

Thanks for all your words,and I agree very much!I should do more about my mental part and grind more smaller stakes.

Good luck!

WhoIsNext 10 years, 5 months ago

Deep ante tables can be much more profitable but I feel that variance there is much higher than on regular ones not only because the stake is effectively bigger, but also everyone are much looser and aggro.
What I can advise you is playing the stakes that are most comfortable for you.

P.S. My last month so I know exactly how you feel, that's mostly 50plo, than took shot at 100... and went on to rebuild a bit at 25 and gain some confidence back :D

sweet16 10 years, 5 months ago

My best advice to you is to ignore aiev. It is in the past, it's something which is out of your control. Watching that line isn't going to change anything, always try your best and work on your game no matter what your aiev is. It seems people just use it as a reason to feel sorry for themselves. The time you use thinking about / looking at aiev is better used on working on your game -> profit :)

Losing is always going to lose no matter what. I read some stuff Galfond wrote about this a while ago, he got some good opinions.

nofox 10 years, 5 months ago

Thanks,Sweet16.You are right,I care about that ev graph too much.So I decide not see hm2 result untill I review every three days,hope that would make me focus more on my game but not the result :)

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