I don't get older. I level up.

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I don't get older. I level up.

Well i have few levels to go before 30. Time to get bit more serious about my goals.
Anyway, bit backround, no perfect english here, sorry :)

Have been in and out "pro" about 5 years i think.
Phase 1, NL25-NL100 "pro", masstabling up to 42tables, made 1-2k/month avg (ok for country where okaysh is 1k/mo). Spend all profit, wasnt able to build good BR, drinked more than reasonable, burned out.

What brings us phase 2. I started small business, within one year my micro business grow to small one. After year when everything seems to be ok with business and it worked smooth, i wanted to give another try for poker. Deposited 1k for NL50, grinded it 9tables max, was taking shots NL400 after few months with 16k BR, running rly good @ NL100 + didnt have to cashout, then boom, new opportunity for business, had to stop playing. Worked again my ass off.

Phase 3 is where im now. Firm working well, makes me pretty nice income, i dont drink at all anymore and i have some free time, i can play 3eavnings @ week, this time i really want to do it til NL1k reg, i just cant give this dream up, if i do, it will bother me long time, bc i allways have been dreaming it.
I think after im winning reg @ NL1k, i stop playing poker for good. Dont care so much about money here, i just want to get "HS" games before i end poker and focus fully on other things. I give myself 1year to do it
Playing SH NLH 6-9tables at once

Started playing again week ago, my last "shot" was year or so ago, i dont have any idea where are games today, i hope not too much different, NL50 at least seems pretty same, whats going on @ NL100+? Do i still have some edge???

Why RIO? Did some research and seemed best site atm, lets fine out, can you help me :)
Lets see, can i do it this time - NL1000
Want to update here at least once per week
one year - NL50 to NL1000
No cashouts
Last week


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PartyStopper 10 years, 3 months ago

So last week results.
Running really well at NL50, did one NL100 shot, went wrong, and spew bit there, next time will be more self controlled. Not much to write about game, NL50 pretty easy sofar, i think it gets more intresting when im @ NL100, can post some problems etc. Maybe playing bit too aggro 28/23/11 but NL50 they dont punish me much either. Dont like vpip/pfr big cap much, but its prob i coldcall much fish with some random hands and not too worry about regs



Gl everyone and hope im soon NL100 where i can start some discussion

PartyStopper 10 years, 3 months ago

Well i def need to push hard myself for this, i think there is 40/60 that i can do it, but i give my best shot this time :) Helping a lot that i dont need to cashout, i sure can do few k per month at low limits even, its more than 20k per year, so end of year i should have more than 20k br, good enought for 600, so if im at NL200+ with 3-4months, 1k dont seem so far away, NL200+
I play 2 small sites, so its not SO hard.
It would be really impressive if i can do it @ pokerstars, i dont even try it :D I doubt i beat atm NL100 @ stars, but i def beat NL100 @ sites where i play.
So yeah not SO impressive, but good hard enought to be bit intresting i guess.

Most regs who have played NL100 or so and are winning players, would play 1-2 limits higer, if they dont need to cashout. If you look your all time winnings, you see you would have long time ago 1-2limits higer bankroll, and with my previous experiences, games arent so different NL100-NL400, just money is wayy bigger and thats what crush us mentally really often and makes small winners to breakeven/small losers

PartyStopper 10 years, 3 months ago

Depens where you play, big sites are different big, small sites where there isnt much action NL200+, there are regs pretty much same as NL100 (better ones play NL200+ also when action, bad ones stick NL100)

PartyStopper 10 years, 3 months ago

Another week over. Played bit over 11k hands total, what is good amount, since i cant play much, lot of other work to do. Did shoooot NL100 again, this time went better, br stands at 3.8k, wich means i hope i can stay now NL100 and start looking NL200.
Overall feel good about my game, some parts are bit messy, dont have good solid strategy, but overall i feel pretty ok about most of my game (standard stuff, like 3betting ranges IP/OP, dont know yet, should i do it linear vs polarized, bit messy sizes, still not happy with my big VPIP/PFR gap, last week stats 3players+ 27/21/10)

NL50 6max


NL100 6max

PartyStopper 10 years, 2 months ago

Last week didnt play much, ca 4000hands @ NL100 only, because some holiday events. But made nice 6stakcs
This week gonna be sick grind, br stands at 4200 allready.
NL100 going well, i hope to take shots @ NL200 early in january.
Feeling really well allready @ NL100
Sample still really small, but games arent much different as they used to be, pretty much same, dont spew vs regs and stack fish.
Im going looser and looser every week, have to look that its not going over line.
31/24/10 atm
NL50 14.8bb/100 over 28650 hands
NL100 10.8bb/100 over only 6200 hands

Would also be intrested some skype discussion with same or higer level players

Ben R. 10 years, 2 months ago


you play 14bb over 30k hands?? What site is that if its not Stars? Because you cant get many tables on other sites afaik... 10? 12? if youre lucky?

Cheers :) Merry Christmas

PartyStopper 10 years, 2 months ago

Its small, but known site. i dont play at stars, i doubt i would beat stars 100, not sure maybe :D
I play 5-7 tables at once usually, so its not so hard, but yeah i need to play @ night (europa time), daytime, there is no action.
Also 30k is small sample, i did run good there, i think itsclose to 10bb/100 longrun @ NL50

W0RDS 10 years, 2 months ago

Nice dude that's awesome. Looks like you're doing pretty well. I'll be paying attention to your
future results for sure. How did the 1.2k hand go down? Interested for details.

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