I believe that "running sims" are not as reliable as you guys think and that many of you just waste your time when doing them.
Posted by Luciaetta Ivey
Posted by
Luciaetta Ivey
posted in
Gen. Poker
I believe that "running sims" are not as reliable as you guys think and that many of you just waste your time when doing them.
It would be easy to play poker if you knew your opponent´s range, right? We do not though.
Thing is though, that I believe that when all of you guys are "running sims" of opponents ranges and posting long detailed posts thinking you have found the solution of how to play a hand in a certain situation vs a certain opponent, that you often are not even close to it.
If three members are posting their results from sims they have done they will get three different results. Still people treat these sims like they are a solution of a hand.
Good players always mix up their ranges and bad players play irrational
I know what question will be asked now and the answer is; just work on playing your own ranges as well as possible. Which means not only playing balanced and mixing up the ranges but also by sometimes taking unorthodox lines to induce mistakes from your opponents. Opponents that probably have spent hundreds of hours doing sims and giving you totally of ranges because they think that "every good player calls with a flushdraw here" or "a solid player is not calling pre with Axss hands this means that he does not have so many draws in his range on this flop", etc.
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