How To study?

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How To study?

Which is the best way to study? I actualy Write all videos situations in notebooks including Blinds, positions, how the hand is played, etc. I am watching videos from almost 1 year and write them down and on the end of the week i review all. The game has been Improved drasticly but how can i improve faster? When i watch 1 week of videos if i dont write down i feel like in 2 weeks i forget everything this is why i use this method. I writed down probably between 80-100 videos , so i can review only the situations i meet and not waste alot of time reviewing them again. Also reading alot of pokerbooks only the new ones. Ive puted alot of Work like studying 7 hours playing 8 hours daily no break for almost 1 year , No vacation no nothing. I only play MTTS and when you go deep it takes about 8 hours and when u loose flip in last 20 after 15 hours of work its kinda frustrating. After 1 year i got Burned i didnt wanted to see again and i stopped all poker study everything from February to June absolutly nothing about poker. Now i want to come back and i want to know how can i approach the game to be balanced life game etc. Should i keep studying or only play? Because ive got some things in my head right now ( i can actualy say i reviewed the nootebooks so many times that i dream that situations from that 80 videos i saw) 1 more thing : I added sports recently i run 30-60 minutes per day and i feel like all i learned last year now are coming back in 1 piece , its like i use an information that i never was alowed to use it during the study period because i was very very burned. i am still tilting but after i run everyday it`s like i am deleteing everyhing from the other day, but i still feel that i need that addiction(study+play)

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