How to approach extremely loose live games?
Posted by bdon22
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Gen. Poker
How to approach extremely loose live games?
10-max NL holdem+omaha (dealers choice), ultra loose and deep table of donks. people opening as big as 10-20BB preflop and flops are often going 5-way+. ppl have no idea what they are doing and betting ranges are very merged (eg. ppl are value betting non-nut straights on 3-flush turns in omaha 4-way, and also bet/calling 3-high flush draws in holdem because they're clueless)
what's your typical approach to this kind of dynamic? do we tighten up and just try to make a hand and get value or do we actually loosen up and try to extract more value out of a wider range? fold-equity probably doesn't exist in this universe.
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