How often do you study?
Posted by TheRaulrus
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Gen. Poker
How often do you study?
Hey guys.
Currently I'm on a downswing, and I've decided to take a little break from playing poker. Even though I'm taking a break, I'm still gonna devote time to studying the game. My question is how often do you all study? An hour a day? A few times a week? Just wanted to get a feel for those who do, and see if I should be devoting more time or not. My goal is to study at least 1 hour a day, 5 days a week.
Thanks for your time.
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blah..sometimes i do study all day few days then i dont touch anything in ages..aweful supposed to do 3-4 more books of reading which in my usual speed is approx 1 week but i cant make myself whole month ..and i blame the rain :S
aaaagh..thank you for reminding me..i go study
Haha, no problem. I gotta study too.
I d say if you have genuine aspirations to go pro like you say you do you gotta turn the heat on. 1 hour a day of study is not enough. Remember in order to be beating stakes that are worth playing professionally your going to be competing vs pros who s whole professional life atm is playing and studying poker. This is an enormous amount to compete against.
So my advice.
Up your study hrs/day goals. Deal with whatever issues that are causing to lose playing hours due to a downswing. Idk what kind of mentor you have or what but I ve never seen you post a hand on this forum yet. This is likely a leak.
This is a lot to deal with and I struggle with these things myself. However if you are serious about your goals and aspirations its time to shit or get off the pot. :D
I do find it easier to separate play and study, idk why, when i do study i lower play to 1-2 hours at most, and reversly if i play after i think i advanced from my study, i study v lil or none, and then during that time i ask other player friends questions that concern me at time and post here, and read forum and watch vids, but you gotta find system that works for you well
Strangely, since i got here , I do always have a feeling where my game went wrong ( often by just wanting to post a hand question i see where iwas wrong, and if spot repeats i know im doing something wrong ) when i post ppl point out where were yyou wrong so that helps a lot, and i started to develop feeling where are my game leaks, just by thinking abt it~ and what i often do is, for example
i enter zoom with BI and i check biggest winner player stacks at the time, and i check their progress over hour-2 compared to mine, comparing your win ( lose ) and this serves me as best indicator how good ( bad) my game is
Also i pay close attention when i play a hand versus best of players at the pool, and watch if they re doing something better then me, and do i have leaks in play
Comparation does tell a lot, and you can learn a lot by paying attention how better player played his hand ( review )
Also i do watch highstakes when someone tells me good action there, tho i cant say it helps my game since its different playing qualities that are needed there compared to lowstakes but it does improve creativity and thiinking process
If i understood you are playing live most of the time, but dont be lazy and write down a hand , post and discuss it
What forms of studying does everyone do? I personally do Range breakdowns of what I think villain's range is followed by revealing his actual range. Not a huge fan of equity calcs, but do them vs villians range and a few potential ranges that I could possibly run into in that spot where I'm swearing at my monitor. Probably one of my favorite things to do is compare my stats in HEM vs a winning reg, and go into deep analysis if we vary alot in certain areas. Tip: If you play zoom like me and do not have a large database on a good reg, you can make an alias like i did and compile all the regs of a similar nature that are winning to build a large sample, obviously all regs play differently so we are just looking and not trying to adjust to their stat.
i read all i can find as no1 of my study
posting hands where im confused and uncertain of
reading other ppls post so i can see their problems, because i will encounter same at some point, read analysis and solves ppl offer
watch vids
im not that much into equity plus minus 5 percent and math analysis , tho i guess i will get there when i finish basics
study concepts depend on your play level i guess
i don't like the word "study" but i am working on my game almost everyday both on and off the felt -
reading, listening to podcasts, watching RIO vids, using CREV and other software, taking notes in session about intersting spots to think about.......
I think there will be a lot of homework/study just reading "The Application of NLHE" ¬¬'
I'd actually like to know how much other pro's are studying. I'm a volume freak and until last year i was like 95% play and 5% study. Have changed that but still have the feeling I study much less than a lot of players. But then again I know I study more than some that I see at the tables literally all days long.
Also you can really study in a lot of ways. Sometimes I can be thinking about a hand for a long time while doing other things and I usually feel that kind of studying gives pretty good results but I never count that in my study time.
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