Posted by nerevar23
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So I played plo all day, all in all in all in and thought I could use a break from all this stupid variance so I opened up 7 tourneys. After 1 hour of play I get sucked out on on 6 of them, one table left, play for 5 more hours (2k field). End up 13 out of 65 people, run AK vs A7 worth of no 1 stack chips, he hits 7, bye bye me and I win like 3 times the entry. You people must be mental to do this all day, back to plo for me!
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That's when you see how much hard work and dedication it takes for Moorman to earn $10M in online tournament winnings.
Tourneys are brutal!
Only a PLO player would say he played MTT's to take a break from variance haha.
GT, your GIF game is pretty next level.
thats why I play cash....getting knocked out of a tourny is a kick in the gut
I tilt far more in MTT's than I ever have in any cash game.
Couldn't do it myself but i bet it feels awesome to win one with lots of players. And yeah, 15 buyin downswings are a joke compared to losing against an underpair after 6 hours of playing.
It's kind of like a drug addiction. Once you have a hit and feel the euphoria, you want to do it again... and again... and again. :)
Once you've binked a 14k runner field, you'll understand how we do it :)
Did you get lucky at any point leading up to the last 65 players? Variance is insane, no doubt about it, but players also only remember when they got unlucky, never the other way around :)
Try playing a few smaller field tourneys, like the 500 cap ones, or 180 mans.
I played <150 tourneys lifetime i think... won like 2 with 400 players and made a couple of final tables but the realllly large ones, the juicy ones, always get it in usually 70 or 81% for a lot of chips in the last 30 or 40 players and lose. However i've got at least 3 friends that can't beat 01 02c players and scored 6k and 4k winnings after depositing like 20 bucks... it's so unfair i want to cry! one of them and i kid you not, folded AQ at the final table with 15 blinds and told me - i'll let them fight so i can get higher in the prizepool. There were some shorties and it meant quite a bit of money for him but still... fish get rewarded all the time.
Sounds like your friend might know at least a little bit about ICM.
At the final table, I would fold AQ (even AK or tens) anytime if it meant going up 2 or 3 pay spots. As Piper said, it's all about ICM. No need to risk your tournament life if the small stacks are going to get knocked out soon.
In related notes:
This is a pretty eye opening tool.
Didn't fold them to a shove... open folded. Chloe <3 And thanks TianYuan for ruining my dreams of hitting one of them in the near future :)
here is my graph for the day 4tabling 25PLOz, replete with crazy one-out coolers/runner-runner suckouts for several 250+bb pots:
It really is. I've been staring at it for the last 2 minutes with a stupid smile on my face.
10/20c bust soon, FML
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