Hole cards running hot, bad beat boards, what do you do?

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Hole cards running hot, bad beat boards, what do you do?

I know variance is a huge part of the game and I'm 100% ok with that. After playing for a couple hours, if I'm running bad or feel even a little off kilter, I'll takr a break and come back later. Doesn't bother me. We've all had those days where 27o seems to be almost every hand dealt to us.

Two nights ago I had an odd night. I was looking at TT+, AQs+, AQo+ and KQs far more often than normal. I even checked with Hold'em manager to see the hole card frequency for the session, and sure enough, definitely higher than normal for all those hands.

Seems like a dream, but almost every time I missed the flop/turn or saw a bad beat/sucked out on. I quit when I started to feel like I would start tilting.

This leads me to my question: when you guys are running hot with hole cards, but not getting what you need on the flop/turn and your all in AA/KK preflops are losing, what do you guys do? Take a break even though your hole cards are really high quality, or weather the storm?


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GetMoney GetPaid 9 years, 10 months ago

I think it's more important to pay attention to your feelings and play as opposed to what kind of rungood/runbad you're getting. If you find that this kind of runbad affects your play more, it might be wise to take some time to think about why and work towards not getting tilted at missing flops.

One thing that has helped me is visualizing scenarios which have initiated tilt in the past. Visualize yourself missing boards with quality hands and think about how you'll deal with it emotionally. Then you will be more prepared when it happens.

Samu Patronen 9 years, 10 months ago

You get dealt a hand and there's nothing you can do about it. What you can do is play your hand as profitably as possible (0 is sometimes the most profitable number, meaning that 0=fold). This is true in life and in poker. I have never even thought about how many good hands I get dealt in a session, and I don't think anyone should think about it at all, doesn't do anything good for you.

This leads me to my question: when you guys are running hot with hole cards, but not getting what you need on the flop/turn and your all in AA/KK preflops are losing, what do you guys do?

There is nothing you can DO here, expect play as well as you can and try to win as much as possible and/or lose as little as possible. If you get it in with AA and you lose, you should not do anything about it, because there is nothing to do. Stop wasting your energy and accept the existing.

PhisyFishy 9 years, 10 months ago

Just keep playing your best game. Don't get overly attached to hands just because they were really strong on an earlier street.

Play your best, and if you feel like you aren't playing well and aren't capable of changing that due to tilt/tiredness/other distractions or anything else, then stop playing, and don't start again until you are able to play well again.

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