High stakes poker pointless?

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High stakes poker pointless?

I never get why elite players face each other when playing poker.

High rollers like the 100K PCA etc. are obviously very exciting, but I never get why pros want to play these.
The field is loaded with pros, so even the elite players will only have a very small edge.

Same goes for high stakes cash games. Was just watching Galfond, Sauce and Sigmond play PLO. Obviously these guys are at about the same skill level, so why would they play each other? They know that the chances of them going broke are pletty big, due to variance alone.

Maybe Zigmund is slightly less good, but it's still very close.

And I haven't even mentioned Isildur 9-tabling against Ivey, Antonius and Dwan, which is insane.

Do they just want to play? Is it because of staking, sponsorships/endorsements etc.?


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Chael Sonnen 11 years, 8 months ago

Not enough business men. Maybe 10-20%? That's not very much, considering the risks you're taking, even when selling action.

Tom M 11 years, 8 months ago

Risks? As far as the nose bleed MTT's, most of these guys don't even own 50% of themselves.

And as for high stakes cash, each person has an edge of others in certain types of games whether it's triple draw, 3 handed PLO, or whatever ...

What's the alternative? Drop down to 10-20 6 Max NL? lol...

It's not like these guys are playing the same style every session vs the exact same line up. There are edges to be had

Gerhardt Goll 11 years, 8 months ago

This is the dumbest thread I've read on here.

Gerhardt Goll 11 years, 8 months ago
What is there to answer.  Why dont you ask Phil, Sauce, Oddsen, Ike etc. if they feel like High Stakes poker is pointless.  Ask them how cruddy they're living off playing the highest stakes.  Or go down to the Bellagio Chael, and ask the players at the highest stakes if they're there just for the sake of the game.  You have to be somehow mentally incompetent to ask such a question ON A POKER TRAINING SITE!!  Obviously they're playing at a much  higher level, but that doesn't mean that they're near the same skill wise. Obviously you haven't learned anything while being a member on this site.  It is very dissapointing to find out
Chael Sonnen 11 years, 8 months ago

@Tom M I didn't say they have a big percentage of their own action, but the field is still very tough, so the edges are small for a high stakes tournament.

I wasn't talking about other games. I'm talking for instance a 6-max NLHE game where 6 regs are playing each other.

Similar to any game, you want to play against players that aren't as good as you, otherwise you will go broke.
At lower stakes, these players are easy to find. At the nose bleeds, you have few guys who give up a serious edge.

Aleksandra ZenFish 11 years, 8 months ago


Im sure there is enough fishes in highstakes as well if you start to follow it up more closely as well as in lowstakes

Checking the results of highstakes players will give you some picture, but you can notice they usually have enough yearly income despite what you say, and table with player names as big as ivey phil sauce etc for sure attract such players to come by and kindly leave them their moneys :) and meanwhile they can enjoy each other, so ...

Also goes what i told you previously, ppl play not just for money but for prestige perfection and because they love it

Gerhardt Goll 11 years, 8 months ago

btw, isildur 9 tabling back in the day caused him his entire roll.  now why is that Chael?  And why would you name yourself after Chael Sonnen, you have to be like 12 and one of those railbirds from hsdatabase who focus more on railing & speculating on hands players light years ahead of them are playing, instead of using this site to progress your own goals. 

TheLove_Below 11 years, 8 months ago

I remember Sauce123 once said in an interview, that he must have a purpose everytime he sits down at the table. 

1) WHether it's playing better players to learn/ progress

2) Or he's trying to make money, since he believes that he has an edge VS the player field.

I Personally think all those players that make it to HS, to some degree, are wise enough to make the optimal decisions. For example, we see players like Phil Galfond, who has strived on the High stakes scenes since 2007, and was able to stamp his authority without busting his roll. While, we also see players like RagingHeart who grabbed us railbirds attention for few days before busting his roll to all the pro's. Essentially, i think high stakes poker will always exist. It's like the throne of the poker world, that motivates grinders like us to play/play/play, thus hoping one day to reach that level of hierarchy.

R0b5ter 11 years, 8 months ago

Legtimite question and some pretty retarded responses from Gerhard. Why do 6 players of equal quality play themselves at a 6max table r two equally good players HU? Well there are of course several answers but I'd say one of the main answers is egos and not having a realistic self image. Players thinking they are better when they maybe aren't or that edge being so small that it isn't close to evening out the rake cost. An another very realistic reason is that by sitting and playing good opponents less skilled players will eventually join if there is at least one seat open and so if the game is -EV atm that negative EV is well worth it for when the occasional whale sits in. Then there is the occasional player who doesn't mind playing better or equal players to get better. And finally there is the gambling aspect in which people just aren't thinking about EV but just looking to gamble it up a bit.

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