Help with next step as a poker player ( PLO 100-500 )

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Help with next step as a poker player ( PLO 100-500 )

Hi guys!

Ok, dont know if this is the best place for my questions etc, but il give it a try!

Little bit about my self; Losing mtt player, winning plo player plo100-200 ( w occassional shots @ 500 ) 6m & Hu.
Consider myself a decent player when a-game and a spewy player on off days.
I have played many hands on most sites for at least 5 years now, poker for prob 10-14 years.

  1. I have never played with any tracking tools. Can someone help me find one? ( need to cover plo zoom )
  2. I have never seen my own graph. Same here, would like to have it as simple as possible. Help?
  3. I would like a player I consider a lot better then me to review my hh, to find obv leaks etc. Is that kind of "training" possible to buy?

Have a great day every1!

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