[Help] I need advice on which path to take.

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[Help] I need advice on which path to take.

Hi guys,

I really need some advice from online veterans!

I have been playing poker for about 9 years... mainly live and as losing player. I moved into tournaments live and online and have luckily been quite successful. Since changing and playing mainly live cash for a few years which I enjoyed but found very restricting due to where I live. I learned Turbo SnGs at FR and 6max, became a reg grinding $15 and $30s on PS for a short time.

I have always wanted to go for SNE and want to plan to for next year. Volume is no issue as I am used to working long days for long period. Variance doesn't phase me (long term etc), I am sure I tilt like anyone during a 10-20BI downswing session but get over it very quickly.

I want to learn a game to play, have potential to profit and grind for long hours next year. I will have a comfortable bank and liferoll so I plan on spending 3-4 months solid study and grinding micro to cement fundamentals to work my way up to a shot at SNE next year.

I have spent the last month throwing myself at PLO, with the goal to grind 12-16 tables at PLO100 and PLO200 next year but I am wondering if this the smartest choice.

What would you guys, with experience recommend?

Continue with PLO grinding, learn hyper HUSNG, hyper 6max... or some alternative? I know these are swingy and gross but I am confident I can grind that and can survive 100-150 BI downswings.

Any advice, constructive, harsh or just trolling is appreciated!

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