GTO flop cbet question
Posted by happyluckbox
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Gen. Poker
GTO flop cbet question
assume hero is btn and villian is sb in a single raised pot.
hero is only betting full pot sized vs checking the flop.
Qh 7c 4c
Constructing my flop value range, do we include weak hands such as 66, 55, 33, 22 and 4x? i feel like these hands aren't really for value (more for protection) but if i dont include them in my value range, i have a hard time constructing a small enough bluff range. ( since i am betting full pot and need 2:1 value:bluffs.
Flop value range
Aa 6
Kk 6
aq 12
Kq 12
Qj 12
Qt 12
JJ 6
tT 6
99 6
88 6
77 3
66 6
55 6
44 3
q7s 2
74s 3
q4s 2
K7s 3
j7s 3
T7s 3
a7 12
97s 3
87s 3
76s 3
75s 3
a4 12
K4s 3
64s 3
54s 3
43 3
33 6
22 6
Flop bluffing range
Ak 16
aj 16
at 16
Kj 16
Kt 16
Jt 16
98s 2
65 16
AcX 24
AcXc 5
141 bluff combos
So here is my dilemna, even when i include weak hands lime 4x 33 22 in my value range, and limit my cbet bluffs i still come up with waaay too many bluff combos as opposed to value.
i should be aiming for 178:89 but it seems really weak to start cutting out any more cbet bluffs.
keep in mind this is for a full pot sized bet as well, if i was cbetting 1/2 pot, i could only have 25% bluffs which makes it even harder.
Notice i havent even started including any flush draws outside of Nfds in the bluffing component...
so how do top players reconcile this issue? am i making any mistakes here?
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