Global Poker is BS now, too

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Global Poker is BS now, too

Confirmed. Set over set, AA vs KK lost, 90% beat after 90% beat. They will NOT let you win anything on here.

It's EVERY US site following the same pattern now. Win too much too fast and then it's just blackballed for 20k hands.

I mean, at this point I probably haven't made a profit in 10k hands and there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing.

With the latest posts on 2p2 and my experiences for the last ~2.5 months, I almost don't even want to play anymore. It's really, really old now.

You're really NOT allowed to win anything. Everybody who's not a bot at the tables complains about the same thing, and then the table dies. I've been as patient as any reasonable person could be here and it's blatantly obvious that if I spend another 2 years on this - I'll never make any money. I don't really know what else to say other than that new players should avoid making new deposits. Totally not worth it.

edit: This site, too - 2 weeks and one set. One. And guess what? Lose set over set to a huge, huge whale. It's so obvious at this point what goes on that this is why the traffic is so low. Nobody sticks around for this nonsense very long.

4 hours wasted again tonight. Going to go drink and have fun. Seriously - I'm playing really well right now and it's crystal clear that the better I play, the colder the deck gets. It's always 2-3 hours of card death and then AA vs the worst player on earth who's 50bb's deep and he hits his set on the all in with 12-18% equity. Reload - preflop raise against a fish, cbet, barrel turn, bad card comes on riv - check - he hit that card. I mean, over and over and over. Then - set over set vs another guy who's lost multiple BI's. Then you'll see a new player come and sit down with 100bb's and the first hand he gets dealt in the bb is AA vs another (not me) solid player's KK. Again, always spots that nobody's folding and yet you're going to lose your stack in. It's truly unbelievable that this goes on to the extent it does here in 2019 but Global's an American company. There's nothing we can do about the offshores but we can definitely report this site to the appropriate places. It's insane how much of a ripoff these sites have become between the bots, the house players, the collusion, and the overly obvious rigged rng's. And now you're banned if you write an email or text live chat with your concerns? What's left to say ....? Well, one thing's left to say: I doubt I'll ever meet someone who admits they work for BOL, or WPN, or Ignition, etc. They're offshore sites. But Global? I meet someone in person who admits they work for Global, and I'm emptying their pockets on the spot, and then stripping them naked and selling their cloths. I can guarantee that lol.


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Deactivated User 5 years, 10 months ago

As for bots: I believe there are house bots here, too. Look, I know how to get someone to respond to me online. When you're playing a total of 100+ hours with someone and you and three other players are talking to them constantly and they NEVER respond, come on. Further, these are always the guys with the monster hands. I mean, monster flops when there are 3-6 players in the pot when the flop comes down. There are times they'll win 3 BI's in one hand (top set, nut flush, straight flush or quads, always) and no matter what we do or say - they won't utter a word in chat. YOU or someone you know may be point blank dumb enough to believe these are just "quiet players" but I'm not and neither are most people as reflected in the huge decline in traffic on all US facing sites. This is so obvious from any angle you look at it that I myself am ready to start forwarding hand histories, videos, and threads to the DOJ.

Posting these threads over the past hour has definitely spared me two or three predictable "bad beats" that I knew were coming. Well, thefts. They're not bad beats - they're thefts.

LiLKev9647 4 years, 4 months ago

I have been playing on global poker for around 2 years now, and out of all the other sites that i have played on(Ing, Poker Stars, ext), Global Poker has been by far my favorite site yet. I don't know whether or not there is bots, or collusion, or any of that other crap going on, but what i can say is that 99% of the time that i play on the site, i use my smart phone to do so, the reason that i am saying this is because when im playing on my smart phone the site does not give me the option to chat in the chat box. Im guessing this is where the screen size is just far to small in order to fit all of that in. I don't know if this applies to all smart phones or not, I use a LG Pheonix 4 myself, and there is a lot of times when im kicking ass on the GP site, and i thinking to myself "Boy I Bet There Blowing Up The Chat Box, and Mad As Hell About That Last Hand LoL". But like i said, there is no way for me to even see whether there saying anything or not, unless im playing on my tablet, or my laptop. If i was to take a guess, then i would say that there is a very good number of other players that use there smart phones as well when they are playing on the site. So maybe those people that you are trying to talk to on there are simply just playing on there smart phones and there not able to chat in the chat box at all. Just so everyone knows, i do not work for, and i am not affiliated with Global Poker In any way. The screen name that i go by on GP site is LiLKev9647, im playing on the site constantly, so you can check it out and see for your self because your bound to run into me at some point if you play for any amount of time. I mostly play in the .25/.50 sections but every now and then i will also go down to the .05/.10 sections as well when i get low on funds lol. I myself Have Not noticed anything that would make me think that the site was being rigged in anyway shape or form. I'll stand by that, and i myself have lost over $3,000 on GP to date lol. Slowly but surely though, i am getting good enough that i am starting to make some lead way. I just think that there is a lot of skilled players on the site that obviously spend a lot of time playing. I mean, most people that play poker are pretty die hard after all. Ya just got to hang in there a little wile longer bud, and practice, practice, practice and practice some more and you will eventually get good enough to start making some money too. Either way, it is a very fun site to play on, and pretty much the only one here in the U.S A. That players can actually trust to pay out what it comes to cash out there winnings. I have cashed out a few times now, and have had no problem with getting my money directly deposited right into my bank account, which is pretty freakin awesome if you ask me. All i know is that it is the best poker site that we have here in the U.S. as of 2020 at least, and it would sure be a shame for the whole thing to get screwed up for all of us other players that really enjoy the site and the service that they are so generously providing for us- all because of one spoiled sport (Talking About You by the way) Spoiled Sport LoL.!.

Deactivated User 5 years, 10 months ago

Don't even join a table that has 1/6 at it. Only the house players start new tables and at times, I've seen the same known house players sit there as long as they need to for someone to join. 1+ hours if necessary, while they're not playing on any other tables.

It's an American run site, operating within the laws of the US, and breaking them to death.

Cnevers 4 years, 9 months ago

I am at wits end with global poker. You ever play after 2AM? Its even worse. Im tired of these fraud ass sites getting away with this BS. If fucking CoVid never happened , id never play online. At least i know when i play live, the cards dont lie

ROI_RUINER 4 years, 7 months ago

lol. I’m no riggie. I’m a winning player on ACR and Poker Stars in the US and previously WSOP in the US. I’ve had my share of sick beats (both sides of them) on all those sites. I can show hands losing with 90+% going to river and a lucky card comes. It happens occasionally and sometimes for stretches over a sample of hands. I’ve never experienced “variance” like I have on Global.

Jreven 4 years, 5 months ago

It seems unreal to me that at PLO 10 at Global have players multi tabling that are up at every table, for everyday, for over a month straight.

PLO is a High variance game And even Phil Galfond would lose at a table once in a while. Global just seems shady! 4 years, 5 months ago

There is a big problem with the software where bad beats are a regular occurance. The last tournament I played ended on these three hands and beats. 1st: I had AA. Flop was two low cards and a King. I raised. I was reraised and so I pushed. He called. Turn was a Queen I lost to two pair. Next hand I was playing QJ. The flop comes two undercards and a J. Opponent pushes. I call. He had an ace with a low card no pair. On the river he hits the Ace. 3rd hand I had A9. The flop was QQ9. My opponent pushes which to me was a good indication that he didn't have the Q. I call. He has 8 6. The turn is a 5, and of course the river is a 7 giving him a straight.

These were 3 consecutive hands. 1st hand he has 5 outs from the flop (K2 or Q3). 20% chance of winning the hand. 2nd hand opponent has at most 3 outs (3A) 12% chance. Third hand the opponent has 4 outs (7(4)) a 16.5% chance of winning the hand.

Poker is a game that can punish you for making the right reads and right decisions. It's a game of strategy because more often than not you win when you make the right reads. Global Poker's software somehow consistently delivers bad beats. It doesn't make any sense. It seems as if they have in house players who know where all the cards are and where they're going to be. This isn't only on hands I've played but on other hands I watch where there is always someone at the table making absurb calls or raises with shit hands and nothing on the board who sucks something out. It's disgusting. This includes as this article is about under pocket pairs consistently beating over pocket pairs.

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