Girls are like poker?!
Posted by SirBEAAST
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Girls are like poker?!
Hi guys! Just had a cool conversation with a friend of mine! I thought it was too cool to keep to ourselves, so here it comes! :)
Bro .. Girls always start with ACES! You need to have a bluffingrange to get them! (or get lucky)And you need to make them believe that you have a better hand than that. Because they wont settle with someone with KK preflop, because they have a better hand! Preflop, they never go all in, right? - and if they do, you are an underdog to 20%, maximum! So you need to trick them into thinking you have a better hand than most guys by the end of the river, and make them fold! That's how to get girls!!
This might be very fun! Any thoughts? :) :)
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my life advice would be to not use poker analogies in real life :)
Hahaha, you're probably right!
So what's the moral of the story here? Girls are like poker and you need to bluff them into thinking you have the best hand; then you have to go "all in" (giggle) with the best of it but in the end you are the one getting fu**ed by them (girls/poker)? Seems about right.
Funny how both of your usernames kind of relate to this topic.
Hahaha didn't even notice :p
Hmmm, no jokes about suckouts and backdoors yet.
It's a suckout when the other dude gets the girl, obviously ... Because, she .. suck him instead of us! :O :O And if you hit the backdoor, it's heaven, right?
PLease give me a medal for pointing out the obvious? :3
The idea of someone wearing this shirt made me laugh
Sometimes poker is like having a bipolar girlfriend.
This is as sexist as I can get.
A thread degrading women, cool.
Totally right, RIO is worse than!
If you don’t agree you’re probably an ignorant mysogynist white male and possibly a rapist.
What's a woman?
That's what I was going to say. Since my divorce 6 months ago I've been on a few dates but most of my most exciting nights were on the felt. That may be pitiful but I couldn't be happier after 6 years of marriage to be on my own again. Life is harder just for the sheer financial hardships that come with divorce and paying child support after moving down to 1 income. Still funny after all that I couldn't be happier.
What's a woman? I'm a woman! I realise I might be in the minority here on RIO but if we have any chance of encouraging more women into our industry then this mysogynistic attitude toward women has got to stop :( C'mon, we all like boobies! Lets get more boobies!
Don't listen to CS, he is bad for you!
I think we should also find ways to make poker more female friendly and less aggressive. For instance no 3-betting and no check raising on the river!
Haven't noticed much misogyny at RIO. But like any other place, if you go looking for it, you will find utterances that appear like it. Especially in an internet forum culture dominated by young males.
Before you do that, however, think about whether it's worth your time and ours to use RIO as a battle ground for political crusade. And I mean that in the friendliest and least misogynistic way possible. :-)odds on your average poker nerd having the slightest clue about anything in regards to women = very slim. try going out and talking to one.
Women and man are actually really similair, we just react and project our insecurities in different ways. In the end we are all human beings who want and crave certain things.
ZenFish Bro, words are cool and can make us sound super intelligent, but you are being a little dramatic here. Sensationalising my very reasonable and friendly statement is probably not worth your time either. I didn't go looking for anything at all, I'm not some crazy feminist who searches male dominated internet forums for hints of sexism and misogny to battle upon. This isn't a political crusade. Just a friendly kiwi gal that grinds 45s & 180s who just joined RIO. would love more women to be involved in our beloved game. Whether you deem it worthy or not, If I feel the need to speak up about something I will, I'm a strong woman with the same posting rights as yours :)
oh, and: welcome to RIO ! there is much to learn here, its a great community. if i were you i'd save your keystrokes here for that purpose, and ignore stuff like this. or at least voice your opinions and then don't get sucked into the usual male-dominated forum gangbang dynamic i am sure you have experienced before !
Sis, I must apologize for my language. Foreigners who learn it in school tend to end up with something akin to the King's English. Oops, I meant the Queen's English.
ash: while there are undoubtably members of RIO who fit both categories, it is important not to confuse ignorance with malignance.
the online poker world happens to intersect greatly with that broad swathe of callow, LED-tanned young men whose experience with women and consequent sexual values derive largely from the internet and popular culture.
suffice to say, its hard to get either decent values or a clue out of a steady diet of video games, internet porn and violent cinema/TV.
as for the question of whether it is right for you to feel offended/disrespected by these wonky values and attendant dysfunctional behaviours, the answer is, obviously: yes.
as for your right to speak up against them, again i can only emphatically affirm it.
...but you're not going to get thru to anyone. you will just trigger the masculine hivemind. to what end ? to affirm your right to speak out against masturbatory youths who dont know enough to respect women ? duly affirmed. .....but now what ? :) wish i knew the answer, honestly ...
Fwiw I'm not offended by this stuff, personally. I'm a hard nosed and fairly resilient woman (possibly why I am drawn to poker) and have never been bothered by the slightly sexist or misogynistic attitude taken on by the online community. Other women however, are slightly more sensitive than I am (trying to be really diplomatic here hahahaha). I find it funny and I don't take things like this personally at all and can see them for what they are, a silly joke. Other girls however, possibly not so much. I do happen to think this is why a lot of women are discouraged from getting so heavily involved in online poker, with men constantly making jokes at their expense or critiquing some possible physical attributes they may have. Who likes pointy elbows though amirite?
However stupid it we all know it may be to let anything without any direct impact on your life upset you, we need more women in poker. Sensitive ones, or assholes like me :)
I'm just trying to promote a community that encourages woman that aren't so resilient to this kind of environment. Sometimes its nice to see the world from a broader perspective :)
I dont get why we need to get more anything into the poker world except fish right, we here for the monies and the potential to more relative freedom that those monies provide right. We then use those monies in the world outside of poker where we try to achieve happiness there. And that part of the world of worlds is full of diversity includin men women kids non-kids bunnies all the good stuffz.
i'd rather play against dudes with something to prove than women ! women arent competitive enough to get pissed off when i take their yankee dollars
yee come take mines jesse :P dont recall u did?
women are like in touch with their emotions and stuff. i make my money from people who don't know how to deal with their feelings, haha
As another woman around felt i needed to say a word or 2 , im not sure u gonna like teh advice tho
There are few things to get adjusted in men communities, when there is no ill meaning. Men drooling over sex is one of them. Now i do understand it is sort of yuck, but its honest and its what thez want and wish for, and in a way it is not behaviour to be corrected.
If someone implies something offencive of woman, like that thez re stupid or alike, id gladly join ur crusade
Meanwhile, just adjust and let them drool, i simply skip the post where there is boys talking of sex
In a way, i like our worlds to be separated in some things, il stay away from their sex talks as i do expect to be left with mz girls pzjama parties nails and shopping etc
As long as there is no ill content implying something really offensive for us as human beings , im ok,
so, my advice to you is just leave them drool and giggle on it
u have pajama parties ?
You clearly didn't read my post, or have poor english. These posts don't offend me.
Ye seems my comprehension is low sometimes, and this king/queen? English gets it wrong often as well
The title of this thread sounds like a quote of Mae West, she said
Mae West: "Good sex is like good bridge,if you don't have a good partner, you'd beter had a good hand"
Poker is a lot like sex. Everybody thinks they know what they're doing, but very few people are good at it.
I am really good at it!
You quoted the wrong post.
Nobody cares how good you are at wanking, GT.
I bet GT has a "balanced strategy" hehee~
some images of GTO :D
I've always been impressed how even the most recreational of female poker players have a strong intuition of how men behave and are able to read them fairly well without much thought. Underestimating their nonverbal communication skills is not recommended.
And then there's the complete opposite, aka Jennifer Tilly.
Classic: J.Tilly vs Antonius
Even before clicking that link (I watched it 50+ times), two things come to my mind:
1) Phil Ivey rolling his eyes for 30 sec, which was gold
2) Jen Tilly looking so confident as she checks back a boat
Man, these things would bother me to no end when I was getting into poker.
heheheheheh, here Vicky Coren is outplayed by Raul Mestre
Confirmation bias.
Matt Damon
"If a fish acts strong he's bluffing, if he acts weak he's got a hand." -Mike McDermont played by Matt Damon, Rounders
jajajajajaajj, well said Daz.
Don't chase girls. Be a man, stick to your values and have good, beautiful woman chase you
Will do. Right after I collect the money the tooth fairy left me this morning.
Vicky Coren ?
EPT10 Sanremo: Salute Victoria Coren Mitchell - the EPT's first two-time champion
Of course respect, the guy who wins the hand is probably the best spanish cash player ever
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