Free Yale Game Theory Course

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Free Yale Game Theory Course

I was just wondering if anyone has gone through all these Yale Game Theory videos:

I watched the first 3 and they seem really brilliant so far. I think one area people struggle with is not really the mechanics of poker, but rather how to think about the game, or games in general. This seems to be a big help in that area, and it's free! :) If anyone has been through them, I'd love to hear what you thought of them and if you think it's worth going through the whole series. If you haven't and it's something that's up your ally then I just wanted to make you aware that they are out there. glgl

p.s. If your going to go through them, then I think your best bet is to do the work and follow along with the examples as if you were in the class. That's what I've done and I think it's helped me get a lot more out of them than just watching the videos.


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