Footage For Review
Posted by Mikey Stotz
Posted by
Mikey Stotz
posted in
Run It Once Training
Footage For Review
We're looking for footage from our members for our pros to review in upcoming videos. You must be an elite member to have your footage reviewed. Looking for NL/PLO, $.50/$1 - $5/$10. Please PM me here and I can go over the details with you.
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Still looking for people interested in having their play reviewed by one of our pros. Please DM me or post in the thread if you're interested.
Anyone with 2.5/5+ PLO footage - I'm in the market for some to review!
Just recorded 45mins playing 2 Tables of 500z PLO. Would love for it to be reviewed. (and I copied your HUD so it should be easy for you to use the stats!)
I have some Amerisite 1/2 HUNL if that would interest anyone. I don't claim to be great though. I am an elite member.
girth21 - I sent you an email regarding this footage.
id be interested in having my footage reviewed - i play 200nl
Hello all - we're looking for footage to review again. If you are interested in having your PLO or NL game reviewed by one of our coaches, please message me for instructions to submit the footage. We're looking for PLO and NL, as low as $.25/$.50 up to nosebleeds.
Hi i,m interested in having my PLO HU game reviewed, what do i need to do? Cheers
You should take advantage of this opportunity guys. Just saying :)
Agreed! :)
I play 5PLO
oh, as low as .50 , next time then :)
I want my hand to be review I play.50/1 zoom on bovada
I would love to see more bovada footage this up coming year!!!
How do record the video? Do i have to buy a special recorder?Kinda of a newbie
All of our coaches use Camtasia to record their videos. You receive a 30 day free trial when you download it (if it's your first time using the software) which you can use to record and submit your footage to us.
Thank you mike!! Where do i sent the footage too you? How long does the footage have to be ?? Can you please gimme more detail?
I sent you an email with details.
ok thanks
I would like to send footage. I play 200NLHE/PLO. May I use OBS? Is there anything else I would need to know? Should I play just one game or may I mix the two?
I sent you an email regarding this
Is anyone interested in mtt footage ? Maybe a cash game instructor might be interesting ?
Is it recorded session or HH's from one tournament?
I have a lot of HH's already but if you are thinking of taking footage I can record something.
I would love to participate if possible. I started at 5nl on Bovada in 2014 and have run up a five figure BR and play mid stakes and have begun mixing some 1knk. I did this playing FR cash. I am now looking to transition to 6max and open up my game more. I would love to work with a RIO coach (Sauce one time plz) to help me feel comfortable playing 6max starting at 200/400nl and reaching high stakes. I can record sessions (have camtasia), provide HHs, DB review, whatever is needed of me. Please, please, please help a ABC nit who folds his BB vs steals ~80% of the time crush 6max.
Nitring 4 life!
Hey, Mikey. Any chance you guys are still looking for vids? I play 100PLOz or 200PLOz 6 max. If so, just pm me the details of the format and I will get it done in a day or two. thanks.
I emailed you regarding this
How about smaller stakes, NL10, NL25?
I would love that as well. Any chance??
I play on a site that doesn´t allow any 3rd party programs so I record all my sessions. Therefor I´d have tons of NL10/25 material for review if needed.
If you're still interested, pm me a link to footage and I'll use it for a video
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