ExPro comeback.
Posted by bdb213
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Gen. Poker
ExPro comeback.
Joined this very nice site. Haven't watched any whole video's yet. But I've been reading a little.
I'm an ex pro poker player, from Europe. I played from 2006-2010, winning about 500k$.
Was a winning player in a little bit of everything. MTT's, NL Cash, Live etc. This was before training sites and HM/PT was a thing.
You that played back then, know that the games was very soft and that you didn't have to be a very good player to win.
In the last seven years I haven't played more than 1000 hands, due to several personal reasons, never went broke from poker. Still have money left from back then and an other income.
Things are very diffrent in my life now and I am intrested in getting back in to the game. Not as a professional or to make any serious money. But for the challange. I have some extra money/time. Tomorrow I get back home from a long vacation. Ready to start this project among many other new things in my life
Will mainly play CG ither 6max NL or PLO (Haven't played). Some MTT's when I have time for longer sessions but not that often.
Tried some 6 Max NL100 on Stars and lost every session feeling lost in lots of pots and out played...
I know im rusty and have more to give, and that four sessions says nothing. But let's be humble, I can feel that the NL100 players are way better than me.
I've been reading a little here and there and I can see that people are discussing hands in ways that makes me confused even at the stakes of NL20, haha!
Im looking for info how to best learn HM2/PT? (pros/cons?), ways to improve?, videos to watch?, site to play?, what to play?, what to study?, study groups?, other?
Also thinking of keeping a journal, don't know if I would do it open for public or just for my self.
All the help and input I can get is appreciated
Thanks and good luck at the tables.
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I think with humility you have shown you will do well (again). From my perspective after going away and coming back to poker, the ability to test and play around with GTO in software changes everything. If the online sites can maintain the integrity of the games, solver work and a striving for psychological robustness and flexibility are the only important things in my opinion.
GL! It'll be hard but if you were able to make it once with enough dedication you'll do it again.
Yo gl on your journey! Games are less soft of course but its still the same game with just people playing better strategy's. Just play what you enjoy most.
HM2 and PT have trials, just try them out.
Thanks for all luck wishes, I will for sure need them!
Im currently testing the free trail of HM2. I must say I have no clue, and its my first goal to be able to make use of the software a little bit.
Dont want to be overwhelmed with too many numbers in the beginning. Any tips on how to set up a good beginner HUD?
Also pointers on what to look for and where to look when I start going through my numbers.
I decided to start with NL25 on stars and also some tourneys 3-22$ Buy In. Could only deposit about 700$ from my CC, but I am willing to deposit more in future if needed.
I'm very excited about playing and getting some more hands in
Start the basic stats.
Lots of new software for you to explore. Should be interesting for you, since I bet you had many questions back in the day that were impossible to answer with the tools we had then. These days we have solvers.
Here's a very good Sauce video that demonstrates practical solver use:
Responding to Various C-Betting Strategies
Hi again. Using the default stats. Vpip/pfr/3bet/aggfactor/3bet/f3bet. Have played maybe 5k hands. Trying to learn the software. I've been mainly looking back in to marked hands and also filter for positions. What are some other good things to look for? I know 5k is no "true" sample, but still. Thanks!
Try PokerSnowie
Balls to make a comeback in the current climate, I salute you!
Feel free to message me if you want to run any tricky hands by me or any poker related question really. (MTT)
Thanks LZ11
Been doing quite well overall in the game. Apart from deleting my whole database yesterday. When trying to manually move my HM2 from my C drive.
Played a lot of poker last month and also starting to get the hang of HM2. Decided I want to focus on CG, just moved up from NL25, with good winrate at over 50k hands. What I haven't been doing is studying nearly enough. Basically only play on feel now.
Maybe i'm an idiot, but I think the movies here are really hard to follow. With a lot of math and difficult definitions for a non english native to follow. (only watched the learning paths for NLHE)
Will try to join a study group and start a journal here, once I get some more hands in my database again.
Aiming to create the journal beginning of next month, when I got some more hands again!
I will be following your journal for sure. GL mate.
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