+EV to not play?
Posted by SuperStar245
Posted by SuperStar245 posted in Gen. Poker
+EV to not play?
Has anyone gone through a phase where they felt they were not playing well enough to even try play at all? Maybe it was when you were first starting out online. I am still trying to get over the first hurdle of online poker and that is to slowly but surely build a bankroll from just a $50 deposit. When I have a good day, its only an alright day. A bad day is fucking frustrating and very damaging to my small bankroll which gets me wondering if I should just not even play until I put in hours and hours more of theory. I don't mean to come across as complete newbie or a fish. But rather a poker intellect - an unsuccessful one. Do I stop playing until Im sure that my skill set and game is like top 15% of all online players(rough estimate)? Or continually play small sessions of poker with mediocre results while still trying to study the finer concepts of the game. Thanks in advance for any comments
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