Posted by Blanco
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Gen. Poker
Hi everyone, My name is Ruben I'm new to the forum.
I'm just saw Realizing your Equity video by Lucas Greenwood, pretty interesting. I'm just wondering which is your workout to learn your Equity in different positions and ranges and how long should I study every day to be able to estimate my Equity in real time. Hope this makes sense.
All the best
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You need to do hand reading in and out of tables, and use a software like pokerstove as a tool outside of the tables. Repeating these over and over again will help you make better and better estimations in-game.
Thanks Samu , appreciate it.
Hey, I've wondered the same thing. So you guys are saying that one simply needs to do these simulations over and over again (with your own hand histories post session?) to get a feel for approximate equities in similar situations rather than try work these out on the fly?
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