Don't know if I'm good enough to carry on playing professionally. Should I quit?
Posted by Snowy95
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Gen. Poker
Don't know if I'm good enough to carry on playing professionally. Should I quit?
Hello everyone,
I'm 23 years old, I live in London and today celebrates five years of me playing poker full time.
I have logged every single session I've played, here are my stats;
£1/£2 - 5.1bb/hr 5,160 hours
£1/£3 - 4.2bb/hr 1,655 hours
£2/£5 - 2.9bb/hr 2,182 hours
I love the game and I'm happy that I can profit from my passion. The last five years have been fun, and I would like to play for another five years. I don't want to quit, but I'm worried about being one of those burnouts that are still stuck in the low stakes years on.
From what I read on forums and what other regs tell me, I have come to the realisation that my bb/hr is very low. The winrate most claim is anywhere between 8bb/hr and 10bb/hr, and I believe them. Do you?
I will admit that the only studying I do is going over hand histories with my buddies, and reading the odd poker book or article here and there. I've never attempted to study further than that, as stupid as it sounds I don't know where to start. Do you recommend me paying a monthly membership and watching the videos on here? How do you study?
I'd really appreciate any advice, and please be brutally honest.
Would you quit if you were in my position?
Is my bb/hr a problem?
Do you think I have potential?
To give you an idea of my lifestyle- I live at home with my parents, so my expenses only go towards going out with friends, food and holidays. I have saved most of what I've made over the last five years.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read all of this and giving me your 2 cents :)
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