Does anyone have had any experience with ADR?

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Does anyone have had any experience with ADR?

Hi all,

Last week I had my account terminated on PartyPoker due to an allegation of colluding with another player. I analyzed my hand history and found out that this other guy and I had been involved in all-in confrontations in over 20% of the SNGs we participated in, which to me made the hypothesis of collusion implausible. I exported the hand history and send it to the costumer service, but they replied 15 minutes later stating that the case had been decided and they were not going to revert the action.

I felt very offended by the situation as a whole. To me that looks like a case for the courtroom, but since I live in Brazil I'm not sure how that would work out. Another option is to try the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), some type of third party which is going to mediate the case. Does anyone have had any such experience? What should I do now?

I sincerely appreciate any help you guys can give me,

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