Differences between GTORB and Snowie ?

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Differences between GTORB and Snowie ?

Hi guys, now GTORB has solved some flop, turn and river situations, I think we can compare it to Snowie and see if there's any difference.
If someone uses both programs, is there certain situations that Snowie and GTORB don't take the same line, don't have the same range ?
Thx a lot I'm very curious about that and I think I'm not the only one


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mike 10 years ago

I was wondering the same as you :)

I don't think GTORB has claimed to have "solved" pre flop poker but I think you could put PS pre flop ranges not GTORB and compare strategies.

pies589010 10 years ago

I have alpha access to the flop solution library on gtorb and I know some people have already run some snowie preflop ranges (or close) on a 522tt board.

The library is going to be launched within the next week and if enough people are interested in snowie, I'm sure there will be more snowie flops added to the public library.

NuffC3d 9 years, 11 months ago

I have snowie but from what I have heard Snowie isnt really true GTO while GTOR is. I just can't see the high frequency that Snowie advocates half pot betting to be GTO, when playing the AI although it does play surprisingly balanced I have found a lot of questionable spots and writing to their support has been an exercise in futility. What public library are you referring to is it connected directly to snowie? I really wish that you could plug villian ranges into the scenerios like you can in CRev. Anyways, curious to hear thoughts on whether Snowie is really GTO, there just isnt enough math to back it up the way that GTOR does.

So_Nitty 9 years, 11 months ago

From what I understand Snowie bases it's decisions based on playing millions of hands and coming up with a correct decision based on experience. I found it startling that a computer didn't use mathematical calculations to make it's decisions but it seems reasonable to assume that given enough hands it would end up in the same place. It would not be able to support it's decisions other than by providing reams of data. It would not balance it's ranges.....it always raises AA because it knows it is profitable. I'd love to find out more about where the main differences are too

sigis123 9 years, 11 months ago

snowie is lightyears from GTO at least in 6max, it has to play every flop from every position at least 10 million times to be somewhat close to trueth. So 10million 6#diferent flops*diferent bet sizes = gazilion of hands, not to mention multiway pots. However it is still good tool for beginers. You definatly will beat nl5 by playing snowie strategy, still you have to learn it :)

So_Nitty 9 years, 11 months ago

In the micros you don't really have to be balanced...in fact an exploitative strategy is probably best with other modifications. You really do have to "do what works best"

So_Nitty 9 years, 11 months ago

The inventors claim that it is a consistent winner at nl50 but a very good player claims that it can be exploited and bluffed by playing with your bet sizes.

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