Difference in results: Vision vs PLO trainer

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Difference in results: Vision vs PLO trainer


I am currently training using two tools: Vision (Run It Once) and PLO Trainer (PLO Mastermind). I am reaching out because, in many cases, I have noticed differences in results for the same situation.

Could someone explain why this is happening?


Board KT6ss

Plo trainer:
BB Lead frequency 2/3 pot: 6.6%

BB Lead frequency: 0% (100% check)

Which one should i trust?

King regards


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rulaZPoker 6 months ago

Hey, Vision uses no leads in HU, I have given thorough explanations of why in the official Vision Discord. I will repost some of it here:

It is not a lot of EV that leading yields. that's why you haven't seen a single lead in e.g. the galfond challenge. also if you play HU you won't face leads in 99% of matches. If you would learn from sims where there is leading possible you would learn incorrect cbetting strategy for IP
population is also overcbetting on average, which means leading would be exploititively bad
Since I was curious myself I ran a sim on a board which I thought has to be one with a very high leading freq / impact on EV
results: https://gyazo.com/f1381223cf325f70ea5462cdc4b01506
lead size is half pot and we lead 20% which looks important to do
(left side is without leading)
when looking at the EVs it shows that even though this has to be one of the best boards to have a leading range, it still doesn't yield a lot of EV when executed perfectly
It adds double the complexity of an already super complex game, so there is not a lot of merit diving into that.

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