coral poker
Posted by mrpompos
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Gen. Poker
coral poker
halfway through a tournament and i was doing alright then suddenly coral is having network support tells me nothing except to try logging on in several hours, and don't say that I'll for sure get a refund for the buy-in they just say we can't say anything right now... Is this an absolute joke, is it legal, is it fair? I mean in several hours it'll be early hours of the morning.
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The most I've ever been able to get compensated by a site for their disconnect problems was the entry fee back. Customer service will probably refund any tourney fees......can't say for sure with Coral but I think most sites would. I got disconnected with KK and couldn't bet - it was awful
yeah...looks like thats wats gonna happen. forget my position and chip stack cause they don't care about that -_-
this is what they do for freerolls dunno about cash entryies:
50% of the fund shared equally among the remaining players
50% distributed
proportionally in line with the players chip counts.
Prize money stage
Each player is awarded an amount equal to the prize that the
next eliminated player would have received if the tournament was not
Of the remaining prize pool 50% is distributed equally among the
players and 50% is distributed in proportion to their chip counts.
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