Commit to Your Game Promotion
Posted by Mikey Stotz
Posted by
Mikey Stotz
posted in
Run It Once Training
Commit to Your Game Promotion
From yo-yo dieting to learning a new language, real improvement requires commitment and poker is no exception. We know how hard it can be to stay resolute and that's why we want to help you stay the course. If you maintain an Elite subscription to Run It Once over the next three months (November, December, January) you will automatically be entered to win one of the following prizes:
- 1 Lifetime Elite subscription to Run It Once
- 1 Year of Elite membership
- 5x RIO Swag Packs. Each pack includes:
2 Decks of RIO Playing Cards
A RIO T-Shirt
A RIO Hoodie
Best of luck to all of you on the grind!
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