Eat, Sleep, NLHE

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Eat, Sleep, NLHE

Hi everyone!
I decided to start a poker blog where I'll update and keep track of my poker journey. I've been struggling with my mental game lately, so I figured that starting a journal might help me with that. I play 25nl, with break-even results lately, but I believe I should be a solid winner there if I manage to reduce tilt (working on that). I'll try to update journal at least once a week and see if I can manage to achieve my weekly goals, so I will break down those.

Weekly poker related goals:
* 15k hands
* At least 6 hours of study
* Post at least 6 hands on strategy forum
* Comment at least 6 hands on strategy forum

Yearly poker goals:
* Move up to 100nl
* 15k+ profits

Life goals:
* Structure my day-to-day life
* Live more healthy and balanced life
* Less drugs, alcohol, parties

* Hold HS tables :)))


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PrankCallRiver 5 years, 11 months ago

Hi, it's going quite well, had a decent week. I managed to complete volume goal, also did quite a bit of studying, feeling quite confident in my game, altough I still did spew few stacks but I'm going the right direction I feel:) Also managed to get into normal sleep schedule witch helps me to structure my day and sessions. Btw tried out rio poker, I was quite sceptic about the splash pots idea at first but I changed my mind completly after playing couple of hours, also did like software alot, but it's very disappointing that hud isnt available.

Zeneka 5 years, 11 months ago

Awesome dude! I have watched som streams of RIO and it looks good for sure. Yeah the hud thing must make the games play different for sure. I hope they get a ton of traffic and takes over the industry :)

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 11 months ago

Adding one more goal from now on:
* Check graph only when I'll update blog
Because my emotions swinging quite a bit during the sessions witch is frustrating and harmful to my game. Also will make some kind of a journal to grade my sessions, to pay more attention on the quality of my game rather then results on a short run

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 11 months ago

Intresting hand

UTG: $25.10 (100 bb)
MP: $18.31 (73 bb)
CO (Hero): $25.00 (100 bb)
BU: $25.19 (101 bb)
SB: $25.55 (102 bb)
BB: $25.00 (100 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with 3♥ 3♣
1 fold, MP calls $0.25, Hero calls $0.25, 2 players fold, BB checks

Flop: ($0.85) Q♥ T♠ A♣ (3 players)
BB checks, MP checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($0.85) J♦ (3 players)
BB checks, MP checks, Hero checks

River: ($0.85) K♦ (3 players)
BB checks, MP bets $18.06 (all-in), CO (Hero) folds, BB folds

So probably in theory BB made a mistake by not shoving himself, although with fish in a pot it's kinda risky to jam I guess :D

camikaze007 5 years, 11 months ago

Strange hand, I begrudge plays like this where somebody shoves the nut board meaning we both have to pay more rake (when priced in obviously). Any reason why you limp behind with 33? In this high rake environment and IP do you not prefer an iso or fold?

Kalupso 5 years, 5 months ago

Nice fold but I think you have to just call once in a while if villain is a reg you play with regularly to make the shove less EV than check. This is only situation I know of when making -EV play some of the time is part of the equilibrium.

I hate when people make those plays because you have to fold because 50% of what's in the pot is less than rake.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 11 months ago

Started reading second Jared Tendler mental game book, feeling really optimistic about it, I feel that improving mental game atm is where I can mostly improve my edge, also started a journal where I rate my sessions, taking notes of mental state and so on

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 11 months ago

Had a really rough session yesterday, I got suckouts, coolers and bad beats all over the place but handled them very well, almost no emotional swings and kept playing near to my A game, so I'm really glad about that. Still haven't looked at results yet

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Hi, I'm feeling quite dissapointed about last few weeks, after a club night I screwed my schedule completely and couldnt get back in to the grind rhythm, altough I'll probably complete my volume goal by the end of the month, but my gameplay are way worse now, so the goal till the end of month is to get back to my schedule and crush again. Also got my self a flu, but feeling better now. I'll do a graph update by the end on the month

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

next month goal: 70k+ hands, I'm going to increase volume goal every month by 10k until I reach 100k. Had a decent month results wise, although I think I can do much better. Probably spewed atleast 10 stacks over the month, and by spew I mostly mean that I didn't find fold button when mostly nit regs have close to 0 bluffs.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Feeling quite unmotivated even after a decent month mostly because my bankroll growth only by ~200bucks as I got to cash out for a living and help my mom as she has financial problems lately so I’m kind of stuck right now because I make just about as much as I need for a living even beating current stakes quite hard. Move to 50nl would help things quite a bit, as I know I beat these stakes because I used to play it and win but later my parents divorced and I got to cash out big portion of my bankroll to help cover my mom depts after unsuccessful small business project, so I had to move down. I started looking for a summer job abroad to earn some cash so I could move up stakes, I wouldnt mind getting temporary job in my country but best case scenario that I'll get 600-700bucks/month. So I might take a brake from poker during the summer if I will find any job

Zeneka 5 years, 10 months ago

Very big of you to help out your mom! Yeah climbing stakes is hard when having to cash out to much, Im trying to live very cheaply right now to avoid having to cash out more than absolute minimum. Do you have a side job right now? For me it takes some time from poker but I need to take days of anyways so it is not to big of an issue. I work 4-5 full 24h shifts a month and it help me a ton (i can pay rent and food and such).

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Nope, I’m on a gap year atm still considering what should I do with my life but my biggest passion is poker and I hope I’ll make a succesful career with it. Actually find a side job seems like a good idea, although I probably make more money playing poker than working in average job in my country but take some brakes from poker and make some money at the same time would be cool

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Had a break from poker, will start grinding again from today. I wont complete volume goal this month because I only played few k hands so far

Zeneka 5 years, 10 months ago

I have always had a hard time setting volume goals, I currently try to play 30k+ hands /month but Im mostly focusing on feeling good and playing well. The times I have set volume goals I find that I sometimes forget to notice how well I am playing and how well I am feeling which result in lower bb/100 and in the end I break even on my monthly earning but playing 30-50% more hands. This have led me to burn out in the past.

Kalupso 5 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, forcing it does not get you very far.

"In the pursuit of learning, every day something is acquired.
In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped.

Less and less is done
Until non-action is achieved.
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.

The world is ruled by letting things take their course.
It cannot be ruled by interfering."

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for sharing experience! Yeah, I'm trying not to force myself to play when I don't feel like, so I'm not too harsh on myself about volume goal. I play only zoom, so I think at least 50-60k hands should be minimum volume on average for a full time player. I regained my motivation by now and got back on grind, revisiting my poker goals and wrote them down again on paper helped me.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Running bad, playing good lately.. I played in the evening past few days and pool seems way softer than in the day time, I guess I will play in the evenings more. Played bunch of hands this friday as well, player pool is insanely soft so I will try to find more time to play in the weekends, also it's more fun to play when there's more loose fish in the pool, casual pool at 25z on PP is like 70% players are 20/16/5 nits

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Played bunch of hands on weekend because pool was insanely soft, but ran very bad, got coolered so so many times in wide ranges spot pre, bunch of postflop coolers as well, but actually didn’t lost too much money because probably there was like 2-2.5/6 fish rate in the pool so run bad in big pots didnt turned to a huge downswing. I'm a bit woried about my mindset during a bad run, I quite often catch myself thinking about how bad I run and complaining about it, so I'll reread Mental Game of Poker chapters about run bad and entitlment tilt. Btw, yesterday I was listening to some sort of masterclass about physical activity and how beneficial it is for a brain funcion so I got inspired and bought a indoor bicycle today, so from now on I’ll start my mornings with 15-20min cardio and probably will do some cardio while on brake between sessions.

Zeneka 5 years, 10 months ago

Hey! Yeah physical activity is very important imo. Just walking my dog every day help me out a ton it feels like. Just spending time outside is so important for me to feel good and I try to get out as much as possible even tho the weather is not what I prefer at times :)

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 10 months ago

Graph from from beginning of the thread:

Zeneka 5 years, 10 months ago

Let me ask you one about your overall approach when you sit down, what it is like? Do you feel relax and comfortable the vast majority of the times when you sit down and play? I have felt quite stressed for a long time financialy and this has had quite a big impact on my winrate and my overall mental game. It took me some time to realize this and once I made sure to have the financial side partly taken care of from other sources than poker things started getting much much better very fast.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

I used to feel stressed, but I get used to it I guess. I do feel bad when I run bad that day, but next day I’m feeling okay and I guess playing fine. I will probably get a job abroad for couple of months during the summer

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

Having another insane run, had a break threw after last one but it came again, this one is even worse. Fish is just running me over, out flop me, make huge mistakes all over the place, hit their backdoor whatever and stack me. Even though it’s tough atm, I think it will benefit me a lot as a player for upcoming rough times. Felt like I had to vent, going to grind again now

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

The run just keep getting worse and worse, I havent imagined that variance can get so bad, i have probably played like 500k hands of poker and havent experienced anything close to to what’s going on now. I’ll move down to 10nl probably

Zeneka 5 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, sometimes you jut need to move down to regroup and get some winning sessions in. Hang in there and keep working on your game even tho you might not be 100% motivated at all times. You will come around. Lmk if I can help you out in any way.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

this month graph so far

I guess it's quite standart to run break-even in 50k hands even for a decent winning player (I win at these stakes over 300k+ hands in about 4 evbb/100, probably it's even higher now because most of that sample are 1+ y/o). I wouldnt worry about running bad so much, but my bankroll is getting quite short for the stakes and grinding 10nl really demotivates me. I'll probably take day off today, have couple beers watch netflix and chill and get back on full grind on weekend when player pool is best

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

Soo ended month with ~200$ profit(~500$ EV). One of the goals for next month to get into more healthy rythm, because lately I fall asleep at 3-4AM and get up at 1-2PM. Another goal is to start marking hands witch I’m unsure of and turn it into a habit. I will mix in some reg tables when zoom pool is bad, I’ve tried to play some today and seemed like there’s more high value fish and more fish in general. Volume goal: 80k(if I will feel that’s too much I won’t force myself to play). Feeling quite optimistic and motivated after a booking a couple of winning sessions in the last days of month!:)

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

Good news! I managed to wake up at 7:30 AM today so feeling great about it, especially when morning is so beautiful today. Started month quite well results wise, a little bit low volume but thats fine. I figured I'll do a specific study today on a mono flops and 4 flush boards as I feel there's biggest deviations from equilibrium play in players tendecies (myself included) nowadays, especially in SRP's I know PIO do some funky stuff like x/back flushes IP, so today I'll try to figure out why and maybe find out how to exploit player pool tendencies on those boards.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

Today I'm studying BvB play in SRP's. I took 25 flop subsets from who tend to represent whole possible flops, there's option between 25, 49, 74, 95, 184 flop subsets but I only have basic Pio solver version so I cant run scripts so I took the smallers version of flop subsets because I have to run every flop separately. So the plan is to take notes of every flop I already started that and in the meantime while running sims I watch Ben Sulsky videos and record every hand played in BvB, so I can rewatch only BvB play whenever I want. I'll try to do recording thing for atleast 1 video per day. My notes sheet so far:

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

I struggle a lot with volume lately probably because of bad last month, I think i got a fear of a bad run/failure so Im avoiding to put hours in. Every big pot lost feels bad even if session going well.. This is my biggest leak by far atm, so from now on it will be my first priority to fix it.
Tasks for this week:
* Check results only at the end of week
* Keep updating mindset journal as accurate as possible
* Try my best to not pay attention to lost hands

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

Half month report
I'm failing to keep up with my volume goal, as I already told I think thats because fear of failure/downswing and another thing I noticed that whenever I'm winning a lot I start to seek for risk aversion as I'm feeling in comfort zone and don't want to face another downswing, when I'll overcome those mental flaws it's just matter of time when I'll move up to 50nl. Funny thing about last month and current one that I think I actually played better last month and ended up near to break even over whole month, when over 2 weeks of this one I'm up 40bi's.

Feeling great to be crushing again!
Goals till the end of month:
*40k hands
* Don't look at results

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

Thanks. On PartyPoker. It’s more like 200$ rakeback.25% on this graph, but 30% is reachable if you put more volume. But keep in mind that rake and rake cap is higher than pokerstars for ex, and less big fish, but bunch of nit regs

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

It's Net+rakeback, mouse pointed out at 8.4k hand mark. Compare green line w yellow one, yellow stands for Net won+rakeback, and green one stands for Net won only, so substract those two and you will get rakeback only

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 9 months ago

I was scrolling threw my hands played this month and I had an enlightment, witch is:
Small pots are way more important than I realised I was spending way too much of my study time on big pots, not clearly realising that probably like 80%+ pots are between 4-20bb's. So I'll shift my study time on small pots

akissv7 5 years, 9 months ago

So very true.

Same thing holds for preflop vs flop vs turn vs river the most money is made preflop by selecting the hands and spots you play and how you play them.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 8 months ago

Month report
so month ended okay, although I did grind very few hands during past few weeks due to some personal things going on IRL. I feel that lack of volume affects my game quite a bit, I don't feel as sharp as I do when I play bunch of hands. I did bunch of partying this month so my sleep schedule is messed up once again, so it's time to get serious and put some hard work in.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 8 months ago

I started reading Mental Edge, so I get inspired to clarify my main goal for this thread and make a detailed plan how I get there, so there it is:
Main goal for this thread: Prove myself as a winner at 100NL
Plan to achieve my main goal:
* Grind 25nlz on PP until I grow my bankroll to 3.5k
* Move 2.5k on MicroGaming and leave 1K at PP (grinding 50nl on MG when running, and 25nlz on PP meanwhile)(Cashing out for living from PP)
* Grind BR to 7k combined both sites, then move most roll on PP to start taking shot at 100NLz (leave 1k on MG to grind 50NL when action is good)
Main goal will be achieved when I'll have +2evbb/100 over atleast 100k hands at 100NLz

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 7 months ago

Month report
Had a decent month results wise, made around 2k overall. I moved my bankroll to another site because PP games were terrible lately, as well they announced that they're going to ban hud next month, so PP atm is by far the worst choice to play on imo. The site I'm playing now is hudless and don't have a decent tracker, so for this month there wont be graph from that site. On PP I played 40k hands, after a heater at the beginning of the month I played and ran quite bad, as always run above EV lol.(running around 200 below ev on new site tho)

Deactivated User 5 years, 7 months ago

Did you make sure that you shoveled that 2k over to the mother you live with? Did you massage her feet, comb her hair, and kiss her fat ass for her, too?

Deactivated User 5 years, 7 months ago

Since this is a strat forum:

-When rubbing mom's feet, you want to focus on the balls of her foot first. Do NOT make eye contact yet, just focus on her feet.

  • Move down in a motion toward her toes and NOW make eye contact. Look her straight in the eyes and say "I love you mother". Make sure you say mother and not "mom". Mother is in line with what single, insane men use to address their birth origin hole.

  • As you massage the toes and only after you've told her that you love her, ask her if she wants her cancer sores rubbed. This is a key component when trying to seduce your own mother.

  • At this point, 10/10 cancer sore ridden mothers will be in love with you and you're now free to sit in the corner and masturbate your little 4" dick to HER heart's content.

  • profit.

I'll be here until the earth stops spinning on it's axis because I'm cool and you're not, folks!

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 7 months ago

Half month report
I'm having a best month so far in my poker journey. I played most volume on GG poker, as well some on PartyPoker and RIO. I have won around 2k this month already (will get probably around 400-500bucks by the end of the month from various promotions running on different sites) , but spend around 1k so far, bought some study material, gaming chair, had a lot of other expenses IRL.. GGgraph, PPgraph, as well won around 150euro on RIO poker, as well around 70bucks on GG regular tables. Plan for this month to play on GG, and next month will probably play on another GG skin where I get 50% RB affiliate deal, unless Pokerstars will unfreeze my account (witch got frozen by my own decision like 1.5years ago, after that I did some very dumb stuff and created another account because they didn't unfreeze me..) I did wrote supports and they asked for information about ID's off the accounts, I'm still waiting for reply now, hopefully it will turn out well for me. I saw one guy, who I have played quite a bit on PP, on 2+2 posted his 200k+ hands graph on Pokerstars with somehting like 8evbb/100 wr at 50nl zoom, and 1evbb/100 on PP zoom over 1M+ hands, that lights out pretty well the environment at PP zoom tables atm. Hopefully run good wont end. GL at tables!:)

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 7 months ago

I'm going on vacation in 5days, so won't play much poker this month, until then I will try to do a lot of study and no poker at all when I'm on vacation. I decided to go to Greece, Athens, I'm travelling on my own for the first time so that's exciting, I'll stay there for 4days. I'm hoping to get away with 400-500bucks, already got my fly tickets(witch cost around 200) and booked my hostel witch was only about 60bucks. So I guess that's it for this month. glgl

Ryan 5 years, 6 months ago

Are you able to play live games in your country? If you are beating 25 and 50NL, you can probably do well in live 1-2 or higher. I read earlier about 400 not being much at 25NL, but thats actually 16 buy ins. 16 buy ins at 1-2 live is 3200. And people in live games are making massive mistakes, so over a similiar sample, you could be making alot more. It may not be an option for you, but I played online at 100NL and a bit og 200NL for a long time, and playing live has been way more lucrative, even at 1-2 and 1-3 stakes

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 6 months ago

Bragging is so much -ev :(
My run after last post defined in few hands

UTG: $189.86 (380 bb)
MP: $53.34 (107 bb)
CO: $99.75 (200 bb)
BU: $50.47 (101 bb)
SB: $62.86 (126 bb)
BB (Hero): $89.25 (179 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Q♠ A♦
1 fold, MP raises to $1.50, 2 players fold, SB calls $1.25, Hero 3-bets to $6.75, MP calls $5.25, 1 fold

Flop: ($15) Q♥ J♠ 6♣ (2 players)
Hero bets $4.27, MP calls $4.27

Turn: ($23.54) 4♣ (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets $11.50, Hero calls $11.50

River: ($46.54) 2♣ (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets $30.82 (all-in), Hero calls $30.82

Total pot: $108.18 (Rake: $4)

MP shows 2♦ 2♠ (three of a kind, Twos)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 52%, Flop: 9%, Turn: 5%, River: 100%)

BB (Hero) shows Q♠ A♦ (a pair of Queens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 48%, Flop: 91%, Turn: 95%, River: 0%)

MP wins $104.18

UTG: $50.00 (100 bb)
MP: $126.29 (253 bb)
CO: $84.44 (169 bb)
BU: $74.92 (150 bb)
SB (Hero): $60.79 (122 bb)
BB: $50.28 (101 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is SB with A♥ 7♥
3 players fold, BTN raises to $1.50, Hero 3-bets to $5.50, BB 4-bets to $9.50, 1 fold, Hero calls $4

Flop: ($20.50) J♥ T♥ 9♠ (2 players)
Hero bets $6.15, BB raises to $40.78 (all-in), Hero calls $34.63

Turn: ($102.06) 2♦ (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ($102.06) 7♦ (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: $102.06 (Rake: $4)

BB shows 3♣ T♣ (a pair of Tens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 39%, Flop: 46%, Turn: 66%, River: 100%)

SB (Hero) shows A♥ 7♥ (a pair of Sevens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 61%, Flop: 54%, Turn: 34%, River: 0%)

BB wins $98.06

Atleast games are super soft, I expect to have atleast 8-9bb/100 in long run, I would say games in 50nl new site atleast twice softer than 25nl on PP, but no rakeback tho

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 6 months ago

Ended first half of the month quite bad, will take today off and will start grinding hard from tomorrow. Pool so far is really great, but big pots didn't go my way, ended up losing money when I did 4bet, so my luck faded already :/ I'm quite happy about my results given how I ran, and hope to make some money in second half of month:)
Goal till the end of month: 30k+ hands.
Graph, EV/Stats

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 6 months ago

At least caught a little heater after pretty bad stretch. Doing quite well, regained my confidence and playing way better, probably part of it because I got more volume in and feeling more sharp.

Couple hands:

UTG: $50.00 (100 bb)
MP: $63.69 (127 bb)
CO (Hero): $57.61 (115 bb)
BU: $50.00 (100 bb)
SB: $27.13 (54 bb)
BB: $50.00 (100 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is CO with K♣ 9♣
1 fold, MP calls $0.50, Hero raises to $1.70, BTN calls $1.70, 2 players fold, MP calls $1.20

Flop: ($5.85) T♥ J♦ K♦ (3 players)
MP checks, Hero checks, BTN checks

Turn: ($5.85) 7♠ (3 players)
MP checks, Hero checks, BTN bets $7.12, MP folds, Hero calls $7.12

River: ($20.09) T♣ (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $41.18 (all-in), Hero calls $41.18

Total pot: $102.45

BU shows 9♥ 9♠ (two pair, Tens and Nines)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 66%, Flop: 13%, Turn: 11%, River: 0%)

CO (Hero) shows K♣ 9♣ (two pair, Kings and Tens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 34%, Flop: 87%, Turn: 89%, River: 100%)

One of the better regs at player pool, capable of exploiting so decided to bluffcatch, 9x is pretty decent. As well I think it's a sizing tell from him, as I feel he would value bet w smaller sizings because player pool is pretty capped at this spot and super nitty what comes to bluffcatching against big sizings.

UTG: $86.33 (173 bb)
MP: $52.75 (106 bb)
CO: $233.37 (467 bb)
BU (Hero): $70.16 (140 bb)
SB: $50.00 (100 bb)
BB: $54.69 (109 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with 5♠ A♠
UTG raises to $1.50, 1 fold, CO calls $1.50, Hero 3-bets to $6, 2 players fold, UTG calls $4.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($14.25) A♥ 8♣ T♦ (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($14.25) T♠ (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero checks

River: ($14.25) J♣ (2 players)
UTG bets $4.50, Hero raises to $27.75, UTG calls $23.25

Total pot: $69.75 (Rake: $3.48)

BU (Hero) shows 5♠ A♠ (two pair, Aces and Tens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 33%, Flop: 86%, Turn: 95%, River: 0%)

UTG shows J♠ J♥ (a full house, Jacks full of Tens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 67%, Flop: 14%, Turn: 5%, River: 100%)

Bluff gone wrong, not sure if he wanted to slow roll me or was thinking of folding because he used whole minute of time bank. I thought maybe sizing is a little bit unbalanced and this is a lot of AK,AQ type of stuff, quite happy with my bluff as he likely was seriously considering folding second nuts on board.

UTG: $88.03 (176 bb)
MP: $12.86 (26 bb)
CO (Hero): $64.86 (130 bb)
BU: $39.35 (79 bb)
SB: $19.19 (38 bb)
BB: $31.30 (63 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is CO with 2♠ 2♣
2 players fold, Hero raises to $1.12, BTN calls $1.12, 2 players fold

Flop: ($2.99) T♥ 4♠ A♠ (2 players)
Hero bets $1.99, BTN calls $1.99

Turn: ($6.97) 5♣ (2 players)
Hero bets $7.96, BTN calls $7.96

River: ($22.89) 4♥ (2 players)
Hero bets $53.79 (all-in), BTN calls $28.28 (all-in)

Total pot: $79.45

CO (Hero) shows 2♠ 2♣ (two pair, Fours and Twos)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 50%, Flop: 15%, Turn: 14%, River: 0%)

BU shows 9♣ A♣ (two pair, Aces and Fours)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 50%, Flop: 85%, Turn: 86%, River: 100%)

One more fancy bluff gone wrong, wasn't my finest play against unknown

UTG: $59.59 (119 bb)
MP (Hero): $66.88 (134 bb)
CO: $94.39 (189 bb)
BU: $100.12 (200 bb)
SB: $24.21 (48 bb)
BB: $25.00 (50 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with A♣ A♦
1 fold, Hero raises to $1.06, 1 fold, BTN 3-bets to $1.62, SB calls $1.37, 1 fold, Hero 4-bets to $6.04, BTN calls $4.42, 1 fold

Flop: ($14.20) 5♥ 7♣ 4♦ (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $7.10, Hero calls $7.10

Turn: ($28.40) 8♦ (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $86.98 (all-in), Hero calls $53.74 (all-in)

River: ($135.88) A♥ (2 players, 2 all-in)

Total pot: $135.88

BU shows J♥ T♥ (high card, Ace)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 22%, Flop: 9%, Turn: 14%, River: 0%)

MP (Hero) shows A♣ A♦ (three of a kind, Aces)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 78%, Flop: 91%, Turn: 86%, River: 100%)

MP (Hero) wins $131.88
Villain rep draw, still quite tough to click call button

UTG: $56.28 (113 bb)
MP: $50.00 (100 bb)
CO: $52.92 (106 bb)
BU (Hero): $52.25 (105 bb)
SB: $36.93 (74 bb)
BB: $112.77 (226 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with Q♠ T♠
2 players fold, CO raises to $1.50, Hero 3-bets to $4.50, SB calls $4.25, 2 players fold

Flop: ($11) 8♦ A♣ J♠ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $3.13, SB calls $3.13

Turn: ($17.26) 9♦ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $6.99, SB calls $6.99

River: ($31.24) 7♣ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $37.63 (all-in), SB calls $22.31 (all-in)

Total pot: $75.86 (Rake: $3.79)

BU (Hero) shows Q♠ T♠ (a straight, Eight to Queen)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 52%, Flop: 56%, Turn: 100%, River: 100%)

SB shows 3♦ 3♠ (a pair of Threes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 48%, Flop: 44%, Turn: 0%, River: 0%)

BU (Hero) wins $72.07
bluff catch gone wrong, lol

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

Once again got on a downswing, basically whole month was recovering from downswing, eventually get there, and then another one hits and I'm trying to recover again. Lately it feels like I just sit down and lose couple of pots in some ridicilous ways, then get tilted and turn off tables and it feels extra disgusting when tables are super soft. Idk anymore maybe I'm just bad at recognizing variance and I don't have such edge I imagine I do then everything would make much more sense, because atm It feels so fucking unfair, what I treat as a bad regs zooming with 500bbs on several tables and I just get screwed by them in some ridicilous fashion. Have played quite bad, and spewed couple of stacks due to a bad mindset/tilt, hoping next month will be better.
graph so far

won around 250bucks on other site as well

Kamator123 5 years, 5 months ago

Do you have a regular fulltime Job? I find it quite hard to achieve a good samplesize every month because of my 39 Hour/Weak Job. I am often tired after working too. More than 500 Hands is not rational on regular Office days for me.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

Nah, I live in a cheap country, so I would make like 500$ per month in regular job, and there's no decent jobs around where I live, working in factory not appealing to me.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

2158hands played, yesterday had off, because didn't feel like playing after a bad first session. Today as well lost around 4buy'ins

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

I have no idea how to play anymore, people are opening limping all around and just taking my stacks away xd I honestly start to think games are rigged or smth, and yes I know how pathetic that sound in poker strat forum ;dd so I guess I need to take a break

Kamator123 5 years, 5 months ago

I have played 40k Hands now without Winning anything - despite I am much better than most of my opponents. In Poker you can quickly get the Feeling that it is rigged.

Wish you better luck - the month has just began :-)

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

I got a big breakdown after continously floping sets over sets, bluffs getting called by top range, I just started shoving stacks 4way with air, as I dont feel like strategy helps, I just turned off tables after punting couple of stacks

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

Calmed myself get a little bit motivation, got back on tables on lost 3stacks in 50hands, AA outflopped in 4bp, Nuts OTT stacked vs set, QQ < KK late positions. I'll close thread as it gets too negative. gg

Kalupso 5 years, 5 months ago

Haha, up and down. Sounds like you play games with more action and variance than you're used too.

Also good luck and keep working on improving. The difference on sites like GG between games you play and higher isn't all that big either so push yourself to move up as you improve.

Kamator123 5 years, 5 months ago

Would be interested to see a total graph.

PrankCallRiver 5 years, 5 months ago

graph this month so far, most of my downswing occured on other site, I lost about 600$ there. I had pretty bad session yesterday,missplayed couple of hands got some bad run, and started to tilt a bit. I used to pretend I'm coach and talk about hands while playing, and last session I didn't so, maybe that got me of the track

kravean 5 years, 5 months ago

that graph doesnt track rake right? from GG
how much is actual winnings? im only asking as was always curious how much rake needs to be deducted from these graphs, have been considering playing on that site
also, are you playing the rush games, or normal tables?

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