Carlooo13 (FTP) is Ravenswood13 (PS)?
Posted by NocturnalX
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Carlooo13 (FTP) is Ravenswood13 (PS)?
I've heard rumors about this.
Does anyone know for sure?
Right now he is taking a beating by Isildur1 at FLO8, you can check it out at
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I remember looking him up, and seeing someone say they're the same person.
What's his location?
Why don't we try to find out the accounts of the unknown high stakes players?
Stars - FT:
Willhasha - Denoking
Katya18 - Call_911
Fish 2013 - Helikopterben
? - Tight-Man1
26071985 - ?
ForHayley - rhje
AltiFC - KidPoker705
? - John R Turk
Do you know this for sure, Chael? If it is just guesswork it is still pretty interesting.
6th post.
I see. Thanks Chael. What about the other pairs you have posted?
Stars - FT:
Willhasha - Denoking
Katya18 - Call_911
Fish 2013 - Helikopterben
? - Tight-Man1
26071985 - ?
ForHayley - rhje
AltiFC - KidPoker705
? - John R Turk
That's my question to you guys! I don't know all of them.
Oh, so you just know a couple of them, huh Chael? Hanging with them in the club? Big-spender! :P I think the link up between Forhayley and Rhje is interesting and not unlikely at all. That's the one that caught my eye anyway.
No idea what his location is, but he just took a $1 million bullet from Blom.

On an unrelated topic, it's nice to see Hansen didn't lose half a million today.I think Carlooo13 'only' lost 500k. Bttech86 lost the the other 500k that pushed Blom past the million dollar mark. Yay for Gus! ;)
Oops, you're right. Carlooo13 lost 650k. My mistake.
Just noticed Gus and Blom have almost the exact same winrate for the past 24 hours. Funny coincidence.
Yeah. Too bad for Gus that he didn't play as many hands as Isildur1. :P
Gus decided to play some more hands and instead of being 125k up he is now 50 k down. So everything is back to normal, NoHubris. Don't you worry. ;)
ouchy '(
26071985=Tight-Man1=Christoph Vogelsang,he shows up in live circuit recently and I have a lot of respect to this guy. He plays the highest stakes online and meantime studys in LSE for master degree in Risk and Finance. How could you do those two things at the same time?!
26071985 is from the UK, and Tight-man is German.
Also, a lot of players seem to dislike 26071985 for angling, maybe scamming etc.
Christoph doesn't seem like that kind of guy.
For some reason, HSDB keeps saying Trueteller is German, even though he's Russian.
Yes Christoph Vogelsang is a German but currently located in London as he studys Finance as a masters student in LSE, The London School of Economics and Political Science. I like him so much because I am a masters student major in Finance myself but in a much less famous university and play much lower stakes poker.
BTW if you had watched the whole episode of that EPT High Roller, you would have learnt what I know :-)
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