Can't beat this micro shit

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Can't beat this micro shit

46k hands at nl25 zoom this month, BB/100 -7.5. Nine years ago I used to be a winning player at nl200, but a year or two later I quit. Oh how the times have changed. Today people are better at nl25 than they were at nl200. Plus the dear bots that will soon destroy online poker once and for all. I am unemployed, and I have no education. I have had only one job in my life and it was shitty, but really interesting to this retard. Unfortunately they kicked me out last fall after almost three years. I got no money, but the government of Finland loves unemployed people. So it is easy to rent a place and play some poker with their moneyzz. I have been trying to relearn this game for around three months now, obviously to no avail. I can't handle the frequencies. How to find out the right frequencies to call and to bluff? I Today I tried omaha zoom and I lost 6 buy-ins or so. I am 29 and fml.


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sauloCosta10 7 years, 10 months ago

In all honesty, poker is not the best option in your circumstances. In fact, I believe it's probably one of the worsts.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

Isn't trying to make poker a job responsible? Just because I suck at it doesn't mean it is so bad an idea. I didn't even finish high school so I thought poker would be one of the fastest ways to get some dollars.

thewizz 7 years, 10 months ago

I dont wanne be to negative but

did not finisch school
quit ur job
No poker plan - goal. ( probally no BRM )

Seems like a mental problem to me. I should do everything to fix that first. Ur still young. how longer u wait how harder its gonna be.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

I actually didn't finish school due to poker and having no friends there. I felt miserable and poker was profitable back then. They didn't continue my contract due to too little work. But really, there was no money or future in that job anyway, so I was quite happy about it. BRM cant't handle -7.5BB every 100 hands.

Zenful 7 years, 10 months ago

Sounds like you have a punters mentality. If you really want to make poker work, drop your stakes, start figuring out some of the fundamentals and move up when your results start telling you to.

Today people are better at nl25 than they were at nl200. Plus the dear bots that will soon destroy online poker once and for all. I am unemployed, and I have no education...I am 29 and fml

Try and understand how defensive this is, and I assume is reflected in your attitude and personality. It's impossible to better yourself and get ahead of the curb (especially in a risk oreientated game like poker) when you're stuck in a defensive paradigm.

The harsh reality is that it is still possible to become a winning poker player, but it's gonna take a lot more work than in 2009. Poker may or may not be for you, but whatever you do you need to change you're attitude if you're to find satisfaction in life.

Poker wise, you're at the right place if you're willing to humble yourself and learn. Good luck bro.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

I have been trying to learn this game almost every day. Mostly videos and that I guess is a leak, as reading your handistory and stats might be more important. I started with nl4 and beat up to nl10 in another site. I could't beat nl25 and also pokerstars had the best software, so I moved there. First I was winning, then losing, then winning and now losing very badly. -1300 in a week or so with no huge tilts or doom switches. I am a bit puzzled how it happened so quickly.

Zenful 7 years, 10 months ago

Go through your biggest pots loss and that will give you a better idea of where you're leaking. If there are no problem's there (I suspect there are) then move onto 20bb's or less pots, and make sure you're not leaking there either.

Well as you know stars is more competitive at all stakes, but generally as you move up the games get a bit more aggro. So make sure you're defending good frequencies against 3b's and in the BB etc.

no huge tilts or doom switches

Tilting happens in unexpected ways. I'd recommend watching Nick Howard's "A truthful conversation" as a demonstration of subtle tilting.

Also if you're suffering atm try reducing your tables and focussing on every spot, even in the 'standard' spots try and rationalise why your play is standard.

I think most people here have had some horror stories on the way up, so rest assured it's all part of the process. Reacting to adversity in poker is one of the most important, yet hard skills. We all have a level of entitlement when it comes to poker, which tend to cloud our biases and try to deflect failure to outside factors due to variance being a prominent part of poker.

Use the above link to simulate winrate's and hands played so you can get a feel for what the variance looks like in these games. It can help when things aren't going so well, but until you've reviewed your hands it's hard to conclude what you can attribute to variance and what is bad plays.

As Zenfish commented, if you want to make it work and you have the workrate and dedication you have the conditions to succeed.

miami002 7 years, 10 months ago

I Today I tried omaha zoom and I lost 6 buy-ins or so.

You dont just try things and cry about it when you dont succeed immediately! First you need to learn some basics of the game and start from the beginning.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

Crying isn't in the way of succeeding. Ask any woman. But yeah I think I should leave omaha until I crack nl 25 first.

ZenFish 7 years, 10 months ago

No job = All the time in the world
No education = few other options, means focus
Finnish = sisu + social security so you won't starve
29 years old = the wisdom of age

This sounds like the start of greatness to me! Now wipe the tears and the snot, put the vodka bottle down, and get to work. Start low, $5nl if you have to, and build it up. You need more skills these days than in your $200nl prime, but the games are still good.

Zenful 7 years, 10 months ago

Now that's how you switch to an offensive mentality, without having to physically do anything :) Would like Zen's comment 10x if I could.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

Indeed the opportunity is there but how to grasp it? As I replied to another comment I already beat nl10 but in another site. Nl25 seems to be made of only evil, greedy people ready to beat down any grasshopper. It seems it is time to pray with even more passion to the Gods of pokertracker and runitonce.

Zenful 7 years, 10 months ago

The only way is to improve. If you feel like you're getting run over then move down stakes, get your confidence back and then give it another shot. In all honesty there are a lot of fish at 25NL so your perceptions are wrong. At every limit there will be good regs for that level.

Dont be a

Be a

Quido 7 years, 10 months ago

Where are you from? If you are from a poor country poker can still be really good for you but you should start from the lowest stakes and build your way up. If you are from Canada or some other wealthy country I think it would be better to get a real job.

Also when was the last time you beat poker? Was it 9 years ago when you quit? Things changed quite a bit since then.

edit: Ah you are from Finland, I don't know then whether poker is that good for you then. You have an Asian nickname so if you are Asian you could intentionally move to Asia once you can beat micros and live there, but for a future in Finland I think it would be better to try to get a real job.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

One good thing about poker is no taxes in most sites. Government loves taxes due to people like me, so the effect of making it in poker is a minor hallelujah. My nickname comes from a wuxia story. He is one asshole MC.

MengHao 7 years, 10 months ago

I analyzed a few of my lost hands. This is mainly for myself as to start analyzing more. If anyone bothers to check any of these hands and has a hell storm brewing cause of bad play feel free to smash it upon me.

My failed bluffs:
I am blocking Q flush but unfortunately also blocking TJ straight draw. Maybe I should bluff with 7d or Td hands.
Danger town after he called the turn. I have a feeling many have aces here as so many already fold the flop.The good news is I am not blocking the missed bd fd on the river. I am also blocking the straight, but it might be better if I had a 9 instead of 8. Calling two streets with 8 outs rather than 4 must be more enticing. Also not many call 3-bets with 84.
He shouldn't have too many 7x in his hands, maybe just 87,97,A7. All in all I don't know.
Space poker. This is why aliens lose in every movie. At least I didn't donate my whole stack.
Note to self don't bluff full pot sized bets on the river. It is preferable to not be a donkey. Leave the donkeys to Colombians.
This hand might be quite typical of me. Make a loose call on the flop, flip a draw or something, bluff the river no matter what. I guess I am trying to bluff him off KK or TJ. Pretty bad, boy.

My failed calls:
I used to just fold this pf, but I just recently learned calling 4bets is quite good. On the turn I am not blocking any of the flushes but that also means a better chance to bluff with Ksx for example. Always an optimist I am.
I guess cold calling 3bets with JJ is normal. Going for max retard value on the river must be wrong even against coffeehouse players. T and 9 flushes are already there. I should either check or bet like 1/4-1/3 pot.
Calling 55 pf should be okayish. The problem with bluffing the river is I might just have too many bluffing hands here. Still I feel like 5s and Ts should be good bluff hands. 9s would block his missed straight draw. Also people 3bet TT more than 99. With TT he might call as its blocking the straight.
KJo would be a better hand to bluff as it wouldn't block the flushes that much. A decent % of flop flushdraws villains bet on the flop, so blocking the bd fd is quite annoying. KhJd would be perfect as it also blocks QJs and KQs much better. Still I must bluff the river with bd fd sometimes, and I just don't know often I should and with what cards and what rivers...
The infamous minraise on the river. He started with 93bb so he could even have A2o. Fold is the most solid move.
Not sure about the river here. I do have noticed they rarely fold donkbets when I reraise them.
And another river question. I guess this one is okay. He checked the flop after all.
So I make a weird C-R with a middle pair. I guess trying to make my hand easier to play. And a crying call on the river to make my play spectacular. I am not sure people are bluffing at all in that spot.

Putting it in for value kinda:
AKo with a fd is favorite to us. I guess my best hope is to get a call from AT and not many of those 3-bet UTG+1. Many middle pairs also just check and call or bet smaller. I should just call the flop bet and probably most of the time fold to a shove on the turn even if it bricks.
First of all people bluff less from BB than SB. How many C-R bluffs in 3-bet pots on the turn have I seen? Surely not many. I also could have given myself a chance to fold river, but nooo I liked to get it in now like a 15 year old kid with his church girl.

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