Can someone explain this highstakes hand for me?

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Can someone explain this highstakes hand for me?

Re: * July 2013 High Stakes Thread *
Poker Stars $200/$400 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

26071985 (UTG): $47885.00
gomir (CO): $53060.00
Trueteller (BTN): $43487.50
DoeBoyFre$h (SB): $106890.00
forhayley (BB): $41111.00

Pre Flop: ($600.00)
1 fold, gomir raises to $800, Trueteller raises to $2800, 1 fold, forhayley raises to $6800, gomir calls $6000, 1 fold

Flop: ($16600.00) Ac Tc 6d (2 players)
forhayley bets $5200, gomir calls $5200

Turn: ($27000.00) 8c (2 players)
forhayley bets $11200, gomir raises to $41060 all in, forhayley calls $17911 all in

River: ($85222.00) 3h (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $85222.00
gomir shows Jh Ah (a pair of Aces)
forhayley shows Ad As (three of a kind, Aces)
forhayley wins $85217.00
(Rake: $5.00)

If someone in my micro stakes games shoved AJ on this turn I would instantly label them fish... But obviously these guys are way better and think on a high level. Is gomir putting forhayley on a KcQx type hand? Why would he shove the turn?

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