Bugs ?
Posted by agrosimonek
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Run It Once Training
Bugs ?
There is anyone with video bugs ? I try to watch and its like stopping in every 10sek.
Internet is working well and ive never had this problem.
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I sent you an email from our support@runitonce.com email addressing this issue.
Yeah I also have horrible troubles with watching videos lately, it is stopping all the time, internet is fine...
Hi miso, I've sent you an email to see if we can figure out what is going on.
I have the same problem, i can't run any kind of videos, it stays in black all the time
rodolfoachs: Sorry about this, I sent you an email so we can troubleshoot this.
Having similar problems. Some videos work fine after a few refreshes, but some of them will just not advance past a certain part in the video (some exact point, like 3 min 5 sec just as an example).
I've always had this on RIO but it's significantly worse right now, to the point where I'm just not able to view some videos at all (as an example, I'm unable to watch this one: http://www.runitonce.com/pro-training/videos/playing-3-bet-pots-oop/ it just stops and restarts around the 3 min mark).
Hello, I sent you an email to see if we can troubleshoot this.
Not on my laptop but lots of glitches on my Ipad for some reason.....I thought it was failing
Which iPad do you have?
I have an old Ipad 2 - maybe it's starting to go.I've been thinking of getting a larger one since I watch so many vids on it but not sure if I want to go to Android. The newer Ipads have better definition but apparently problems with the sound because they're so thin.
Actually I just reset it by holding down the side button and the front button for 30 seconds and it's fine.
Sorry for the delay here. Yeah, the old iPad 2 is going to be the culprit here. Unfortunately it is hard to support all legacy devices while continuing to move forward with new improvements.
The videos are palying well in here. But sometimes it's quiet buffering for 1 or 2 seconds which happens normally.
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