Posted by Phil Galfond
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Phil Galfond
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Pre Draw: (1.5 SB) Hero is BTN/SB with K

Hero raises, Seb86 calls
First Draw: (4 SB) (2 players)
Seb86 draws 3, Hero draws 3
Hand: 9

Seb86 checks, Hero bets, Seb86 raises, Hero calls
Second Draw: (4 BB) (2 players)
Seb86 stands pat, Hero draws 2
Hand: 6

Seb86 bets, Hero calls
Third Draw: (6 BB) (2 players)
Seb86 stands pat, Hero draws 1
Hand: 6

Seb86 bets, Hero raises, Seb86 3-bets, Hero caps!, Seb86 folds
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If you caught another 2 or 3 would you have raised or called? With pair of 22 or 33 you beat most of his snowing range. Also his value range should be fairly narrow given he patted after first draw.
Just kidding, nice bluff. But why did you pick this hand to 4-bet bluff with, because 65432 is the hand with the lowest hand ranking in your range or because you know Sebastien can't have the 2d, 2c, 3h, 3c, 4d, 5c?
Did you ran math on how many blockers you need to have/had and of what rank for knowing when to bluff?
Blockers were a part of it, but it was also just a read.
The term 'snowing' simply refers to a practice in draw poker low-ball games where you make a bluff based on the fact that you have a multiple number of important low cards in your hand, but ones that pair and actually make your hand very weak. However, despite the fact that your hand is very bad, due to the fact that you know where so many of the key cards for other lows are, your bluff stands a much larger chance of success, as other people will have a much harder time hitting their key cards
Here Phil had 2 deuces 2 threes and 1 four, 1 five and 1 six (draws included). Good enough to bluff (much better than just 222).
Total traffic of the lowest cards in your hand is more important than just (final) snapshot....
Maybe I'm wrong.......
He check/called with 66542 after the third draw against Phil.
Phil barreled every street, Sebastien called and check/called every street, they both drew 3, 2 1 on each draw respectively.
Moreover he refused to give Viktor any more action at 2-7 Triple Draw:
Seb86: dont join my table again pls
As for river I think many fold to much in this spot to caps, but I don't think this is a hand we want in our capping range. Seems like many better hands to bluff with, espcially after drawing two on the turn.
Dealer: Hand #32491385863
Dealer: OMGClayAiken raises to $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction calls
Dealer: *** FIRST DRAW ***
Dealer: PostflopAction discards 4 cards
Dealer: OMGClayAiken stands pat
Dealer: PostflopAction checks
Dealer: OMGClayAiken bets $1,500
Dealer: PostflopAction calls
Dealer: *** SECOND DRAW ***
Dealer: PostflopAction discards 2 cards
Dealer: OMGClayAiken stands pat
Dealer: PostflopAction checks
Dealer: OMGClayAiken bets $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction calls
Dealer: *** THIRD DRAW ***
Dealer: PostflopAction discards 1 card
Dealer: OMGClayAiken stands pat
Dealer: PostflopAction checks
Dealer: OMGClayAiken bets $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction raises to $6,000
Dealer: OMGClayAiken has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: OMGClayAiken has requested TIME
Dealer: OMGClayAiken calls
Dealer: PostflopAction shows a straight, Eight high
Dealer: OMGClayAiken shows A,Q,J,T,8
Dealer: OMGClayAiken wins the pot ($26,999.50) with A,Q,J,T,8
Dealer: Hand #32491442687
Dealer: OMGClayAiken raises to $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction raises to $4,500
Dealer: OMGClayAiken calls
Dealer: OMGClayAiken has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: *** FIRST DRAW ***
Dealer: PostflopAction discards 2 cards
Dealer: OMGClayAiken discards 4 cards
Dealer: PostflopAction bets $1,500
Dealer: OMGClayAiken raises to $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction calls
Dealer: *** SECOND DRAW ***
Dealer: PostflopAction discards 1 card
Dealer: OMGClayAiken stands pat
Dealer: OMGClayAiken bets $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction raises to $6,000
Dealer: OMGClayAiken raises to $9,000
Dealer: PostflopAction raises to $12,000
Dealer: OMGClayAiken calls
Dealer: *** THIRD DRAW ***
Dealer: PostflopAction stands pat
Dealer: OMGClayAiken stands pat
Dealer: PostflopAction checks
Dealer: OMGClayAiken bets $3,000
Dealer: PostflopAction calls
Dealer: OMGClayAiken shows four of a kind, Twos
Dealer: PostflopAction shows K,8,7,5,4
Dealer: PostflopAction wins the pot ($44,999.50) with K,8,7,5,4
Your opponents caps after the second draw when you hold the ultimate nutblockers, quad deuces, and then you lose to some strangely played K8754. Makes you wonder if 222 is so common.
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