Posted by McDudesson
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Gen. Poker
I really want to learn the advance way of poker. I play 6-max and MTT, anyone have a good book?
(I know all about the basics and i have played over 200k hands but i need more information to play at higher stakes)
Thx for any answer ^^
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Kill them All i suppose
Raisers Edge Elky
Harringtom on Holdem vol 1 2 and 3
Negreanu Power Holdem strategy
Winning poker tournaments one hand at the time Lynch Fleet Turner
Let there be range Nguyen
Mathematics of Poker
Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em, Volume 1: Optimal and Exploitative Strategies (Tipton) and vol2
Kill Phil
Kill Everyone
The Raiser's Edge
Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand At A Time
Harrington on Hold'em (there's a more recent book)
The Poker Tournament Formula 1 & 2
Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker
Little Green Book
The Poker Blueprint
Let There Be Range
Super System (Doyle's chapter)
Negreanu Power Hold'em Strategy (Daniel's chapter)
Have to add:
Professional No Limit Hold'em
Small Stakes No Limit Hold'em
How to be a Poker Player by Haseeb Qureshi. This is by far the best Poker book ever wrriten.
Jared Tendler's Mental Game of Poker 2 comes second.
Nothing else comes close, and please don't post things like Super System or Negreanu Power Holdem Strategy. This is not 2+2 where suggestions is just as bad as you can get.
Not sure if the book is the problem if you can't find anything useful in either Super System or Negreanu's small ball chapter in PHS...
I am not a MTT guy so for 6m cash-
Applications of NLH by Janda
I have to say I am not a fan of the either the "How to Be a Poker Player" or it's author as he is a bit shady and I really didn't get anything out of the book. I agree the MGOP books are solid and of course Elements of Poker is great.
Philosophy of poker is the best by far? Why is that? I thought it was good but didn't think it was that great.. I mean he shines poker with an interesting philosophical / theoretical light and gets you thinking about the game on an abstract mental level but that being said philosophy can only take you so far in poker. Also, TMGOP.. same thing; except instead of philosophy of the game it's psychology of the game which also can only take you so far.
Don't get me wrong I think that these books are good.. But the best poker books out there... And by far? I highly disagree. My guess is that you haven't read any of those other books because if you had you wouldn't be making such an outrageous and nebulous claim.
A lot of the previously mentioned books will give you a much better strategical and fundamental foundation than those alleged 'by far the best' books written by an ex-pro golfer turned counsellor and an ex-red PS pro who quit playing in 2011 and vowed to never play again after being named as part of a scandal.
I don't know what makes these two candidates for writing books that are anywhere close to these poker paragons (who are professional poker players) that have written fundamentally / pragmatically sound books that are either up to date or have withstood the test of time. If anything I would say that you're comparing apples and oranges.. Or better yet chalk and cheese.
Granted, I will omit the little green book because I think it is out of date especially if you're playing online, but aside from that all of those books mentioned above are head and shoulders above the three that Roundmid has mentioned.. And I would be extremely surprised and shocked if you can find anyone else on this site that will disagree.
For mtts im looking forward to reading moormans book of poker,it's out next week!should be pretty decent and relevant to today's games
Same, I actually just ordered it earlier today; where did you order it from? Everywhere I looked said that its out on the 7th of next month..
An extract is online, with two hand analyses. I was a little disappointed it's about hand analyses and not overall strategy, but to be able to peek into Chris's mind like this is going to be awesome.
Yeh think earliest is the 7th for online orders, I read on a diff forum that it was next week but think that's just the book release event at the Vic in London on the 22nd.
You`re gonna learn way more by posting hands on the forum, discussing strategy and watching training videos actively --> taking notes/asking questions, then from most books.
I think the operative word in your statement is "most". Trying to learn and become great at poker is like trying to learn and become great at a language. Can it be done without reading? Well sure it can but its going to take much longer and there are going to be fundamental flaws in your grammar, syntax, pronunciation, inflection, etc. That being said, you can go onto a language forum and read every article and post questions until you're black and blue in the face but without the added synergy of also reading books on the various key elements as well as the subtleties and permutations of said language then you're really going to be at a stagnant level of development.
However, if all (or even some for that matter) of the questions and analysis on this forum were critiqued by the pros then it would be a little bit different and there would be more validity to your statement but thats not actually the case. As it stands, its mostly just players at the same levels helping other players at the same levels. Which, going back to the language comparison, would be just like trying to learn from your classmates that are at the same level as you instead of your professors. Yes there is a benefit of learning from your peers but the true value of an education and knowledge is invaluable.
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