Blog Number 17239843
Posted by Indifference
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Poker Journals
Blog Number 17239843
I'm waitin to start this blog since December 2023: the plan was to do around 20/30k hands a month at zoom tables at nl25. But this time i waited to have at least 100k hands and to be somewhat consistent in this, before starting.
In the last couple of months i started to listen audiobooks, youtube videos, interviews, podcasts during my 9to5 job. I don't know why i dint start earlier, since i can and it doesent effect my job in any way.
From next week i will put also some RIO video in the playlist, at least the ones i can only listen, so probably mindset and theory.
So this blog will be also a place where i can share some tips i write down from the books i've read and will read, or suggest books or whatever to listen.
At the moment the one that had the biggest impact on my mindset is the mechanic of poker podcast, i think is a real masterclass in mindset and performance!
So, from the end of December i've collected around 100k hands, and i'm going to do another 100k but at nl50.
The biggest mindset shift i had is that i finally realized that i was living poker with too much fear, i was scared to make the wrong move (with the result to made it anyway obv), i associated losing stacks with being a bad player (not consciously), i was too attached to win every session, and the list can continue.
So in that first 100k hands i was constantly putting myself outside my confort zone, i decided to play 4x zoom, and i could play only at evening after a long long day of work, family, kids, no sleep (the second one is 1 yo). I was happy to spew stacks here and here cause i'm learning, i'm testing opponents and myself. I NEED to make mistakes and a lot of them!
I admit is still hard, we are sleeping 4/5 hours on average and obv not straight, is more like, sleep a couple of hours, wake up, sleep another 2, wake up, and another one before wakin up.
But is going better it seems the second one is getting used to sleep more and more.
Atm my routine is like this: "wake up" around 6.30/7, prepare the older one for the kindergarden (sometimes on me, sometimes my wife so i can sleep 30 minutes more), go to listen some podcas....ehm, go to work and listen some podcast, lunchbreak at home helping with the little one and the kitchen, work, shower keep babies, play, wash them, and get ready for dinner, then bedtime routine and around 9 they ar eboth sleepin, at this moment i play or stay some with my wife and relax. For the next months i'm going to approach evenings in a more scheudled way, so i'm going to decide which days i will play and which i will relax.
I think i can stop here for tonight, see you next days, bye
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