Blew roll taking a shot at 5/10 HUNL! Happy New Year!
Posted by danielmerrilees
Posted by danielmerrilees posted in Beats & Brags
Blew roll taking a shot at 5/10 HUNL! Happy New Year!
SB: Jon Doe: $0
BB: Player3 - VPIP: 88, PFR: 58, 3B: 18, AF: 1.3, Hands: 252: $1314.70
BN: Hero - VPIP: 70, PFR: 55, 3B: 23, AF: 2.7, Hands: 17526: $1080.50
BB: Player3 - VPIP: 88, PFR: 58, 3B: 18, AF: 1.3, Hands: 252: $1314.70
BN: Hero - VPIP: 70, PFR: 55, 3B: 23, AF: 2.7, Hands: 17526: $1080.50
(2 Players)
Jon Doe was dealt
Jon Doe raises to $15, Jon Doe raises to $50, Jon Doe raises to $140, Jon Doe raises to $1254.70, Jon Doe calls $920.50
Jon Doe raises to $15, Jon Doe raises to $50, Jon Doe raises to $140, Jon Doe raises to $1254.70, Jon Doe calls $920.50
(2 Players)
(2 Players)
(2 Players)
Final Pot
Jon Doe has
Jon Doe
wins $2394.20
Had around 7k. Blown. You have to have the heart and desire to move up! Nothing i hate more than seeing the same old regulars sitting at the same old stakes grinding it out. Take a shot and move up! The highest id played prior online was 2/4 looool so 5/10 was a pretty large step up. The players are better but i still felt comfortable + better than them.
When you take a shot you dont want thing like this to happen......
Anyway.... a true rounders moment in my life haha! 19 and broke for the new year 8---)
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