Beta add on feature

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Beta add on feature

Really liking the showing a hand, and then picking which positions open the hand that you have in Visions now.

One suggestion? I would like to change the message on the bottom from "You don't open this hand from any position" to "Fold all Positions". The "You don't...." is very similar to "you open this hand from any position" when I see it.

Another thing I would do, I have a green ring around the positions that open, and a red ring around the ones that don't . Much easier to visualize rather than reading the bottom. Keep the bottom sentence for those that like to read, show the rings for the visual learners. great feature though!

One last idea? If you pick HJ as an open, it would be nice if CO and BTN automatically get checked as well. There is never a time that one street opens, and a later one does not as long as it is In Position, right? No need to click on all the seats, just the earliest seat that opens.


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