Believe in Yourself
Posted by Linc
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Mental Game
Believe in Yourself
Don't let your world of possibilities be determined by other people's opinions. Not in poker, not in life. Why? Because most people in the general population never went out of their comfort zone to see whats really possible. Most people are afraid to do that. And anyone else who attempts just that frightens them, because he reminds them of that very thing they try to avoid. Uncertainty.
Don't listen to the opinions of ANYONE once you have determined your way and you strongly believe you will do it. Don't let negative people put you down, even if they seem to come from competent places. But don't let praising comments cheer you up either. Because once you give a person power to make you feel better by praising you, you also give them the power to make you feel worse when they start criticising you. Only you yourself should have the power to uplift yourself or be critical of yourself.
Don't let the general consensus amongst any group of people be a determining factor of possibilities and achievable goals. It's a disaster if you do. Greatness is born out of individual imagination. It's kept hostage in collective constraints.
Utlimately, you need to challenge your own thoughts too. Because they too are a collective. They are limited. And they too might limit the picture you see of all the possibilities that are out there. Always be willing to change your point of view. Always be open to arguments that contradict your own beliefs and play them out in your mind. Always be willing to feel weaknesses inside yourself and investigate where they come from. Always keep learning. But always
Belive in Yourself
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Some days ago I was thinking about these being positive stuffs.
And speaking about poker, it seems that when I pass through a downswing period, I sit down at the tables already with some negativity and the results are not the best ones.
Some people believe that being positive will attract "good energies" and then, everything starts to get better, and so on. And talking like this seems to be a mystic thing, with energies, etc.
But then, I realized that in my best days, I'm positive as fu**, my mind and body seems fresh, I can overthink in many subject without being mental tired and everything works.
And then, I keep questioning myself:
Do we have a better performance when we are in "positive day" just because of the mysticisms or there is some kind of scientific proof, articles, that can show a relation between our brain and these feelings? Or it doesn't care. idk.
I'm saying this because I'm skeptical and I don't believe in energies, etc.
Im wondering about that too man.
here is some unconventional approach:
At the end of the day, what I can measure is that having a positive mindset absolutely ends up having a positive effect on your work. Whether there is a mystical element to it or not, I do not know. And since I do not know and since results are more important than knowledge here, I actually use both, the rational and the mystic mindset, whenever I feel like the best mindset fits. So for example: When I feel like my positive mindset actually makes me luckier in game, I go with that, simply because this thought amplifies my confidence in game.
On the other hand, when things have been going badly and you are struggling, sometimes this very mindset can lead to negative superstition and overthinking. Now you could start thinking "damn Im so negative, thats why this keeps happening" and you being mad at this could be leading to a vicious cycle. To break out of that, its good to switch to the rational thinking. Just realizing the nature of probabilties, understanding variance etc. This can balance you out very quickly again and get you back on track.
So with this approach, you do not claim to act according to knowledge or find the absolute truth, you simply use different possible realities and within yourself create a mindset that at that point in time can serve you the best.
To be perfectly honest. I do think there is so much more out there in terms of reality than we know or can logically grasp. So yes Im very fascinated by mysticism and consciousness in general. But Im also interested in the other viewpoint of science so....
And I mean, an electron can also be both, a partical and a wave. So why could other realities not change either for us :)
Man, this first paragraph perfectly fits on me!
And I opened this mystical subject just for my curiosity.
If we believe or not, being positive is good at the end of the day (it could be selective memory, as well hahaha, idk).
And as you said, most of the time I can only break down this negative cycle with rational thinking and acceptance.
Have you ever had meditations experiences? I'm such a newbie but it's very refreshing to my mind. It helps a lot to understand that sometimes we just have to accept somethings, if we try to chase all of our problems at once, most of the time we make a huge mess.
For sure meditation is beneficial. There are many forms and I’m no expert either. You can do breathing mediation which I’ve done, focusing on that purely. Or mediation of compassion, meditating on the body etc...or as you say meditating on surrendering and acceptance. I think that’s esp powerful meditation for poker.
The last two years I’ve gotten to meditate more seldomly and it’s been harder for me as it used to be, because so much was going on in my life. I used to wonder how some ppl find it hard to meditate now I know :) It just started working out better again. Overall I do think it’s another powerful tool and here too there are many possibilities. You can practice making your mind quiet. But you can also meditate on any other subject say on your goals etc
thanks man :)
I resonate deeply with this. In my 28th year, these very ideas have been bouncing all around my mind as I soul search and navigate my first year playing full time instead of part time.
You may really like the book "Ego is the Enemy" by Ryan Holiday. Been listening to this on my runs and it just hits so deep, and is very applicable to poker IMO. Thanks for expressing yourself
I wish you all the best playing professionally. And that book does sound like something i might like indeed :)
You also make a good point about not being affected by praise or criticism. It does give someone else power of you
nice hat zatoichi
I know this thread is very old-- sorry for bumping it up but it makes more sense than me recreating my own thread on a similar topic..
My overall attitude seems to dictate how I run luck-factor wise in poker.
I know there is no proof of correlation and thinking this kind of defeats the thought process of being a poker professional which is why I feel so weird even thinking this way sometimes..
But almost every time a session starts off bad (usually has to be multiple things) I cannot escape that thought process. I start to think "I am going to run awful for the rest of the day and there is nothing I can do it about it except quit now." Every time I do the logical thing and attempt to battle through it I get met with relentless confirmation that I indeed was going to run bad the rest of the day.
It's frustrating to me because when I try to talk about this with my wife or friends; they can't relate. Or they say something logical like.. "Oh, the bad beats you took at the start made you less focused and you might have played a little worse because of that." And it's like, I've been grinding for 10+ years I don't start 3betting 54suited because I lost 5 flips in a row and want to create more action. I know I am playing very close to the same either way. So what's the difference?
Btw, knowing other people feel similar is such a blessing..
Hi David
I just wrote a response and realized I wrote almost the same things above already so nevermind :)
The only thing id have to add to what you wrote is I think its still not good to get into this mindset of thinking "the session is going to go badly" when things start of bad. But I know what you mean its tough to then be positive obviously, I would say impossible for me as well. But I would then try to switch into rational thinking like "variance evens out in the end, its all random outcomes" etc, playing chess on the side helps me sometimes then too basically doing sometihng rational to level out the negative emotion again
man I had never read this reflection here before, I love it, I even shared it with a couple of friends, many truths in your text that will never get old
thank you
I appreciate that man
Great insight here! Appreciate the bump.
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